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'So I see you're all packed for your trip to London' Sarah laughed walking into my messy room filled with clothes everywhere. 

'I don't know what to pack. I don't want to over pack but at the same time I don't know what the weather is going to be like, I mean we are in the Uk for gods sake it could snow one day and there be a heat wave the next' Sarah laughed at how stressed I had become.

'Lets just go out for coffee and forget that you have to pack' Sarah said grabbing my phone and bag and handing them to me.

'Good idea' I laughed following her out the door.


When we reached the coffee shop, we ordered our drinks and sat down with them.

'So what are you doing with yourself this week off' I asked Sarah as id realised I'd been so caught up in what I was doing, I hadn't asked her.

'I'm going home for the week. Catch up with friends from school' she replied.

'I miss home' I sighed thinking about all of the people I haven't seen in a long time, I need to take a trip home soon.

'I don't even know where I'm staying this week, Brad just said he'll meet me at the train station'

'Since when have you been one to not know the details? You're normally a stress head who likes to know everything!'Sarah laughed and I rolled my eyes at her.

'Ha ha very funny'


'I can't see you' I spoke down the phone looking for Brad at the station.

'Well I can't see you either' Brad laughed.

I turned around to face the exit and instantly locked onto those chocolate brown eyes.

Brad's face instantly lit up and I imagined mine did too. I put the phone down and put it into my pocket as Brad walked towards me.

I let go of my suitcase as Brad reached me and pulled me into a tight hug.

'I missed you' Brad spoke, my face still buried in his chest.

'It's been like a week' a laughed as I pulled away and went to grab my bag.

'I'll get that' Brad said taking hold of the handle before pecking my lips, taking my hand and walking towards the exit of the station.

'So where are we actually staying?' I asked Brad as we reached a black car with who I think is Joe in the front, although it's hard to see.

'We're all staying at a hotel for a few days, seen as its Luisa's birthday and nobody really lives around here, we thought it would be nice for us all to spend time in a nice hotel and go out shopping and for food or whatever. I'm not sure what Connor has planned to be honest' Brad replied as he put my suitcase In the boot of the car.

'Hey Jo, that's still weird man' Joe laughed as we got into the car.

'Everybody is already at the hotel, are you nervous to meet all the girls?' Joe continued as we started to drive.

'Well Joe, if she wasn't nervous she is now you've asked' Brad laughed causing us all to laugh.

'They're all really nice and act like 12 year old girls so you should fit in just fine' Brad said as he looked at me.

'And what's that suppose to mean? I replied raising an eyebrow at him.

'Well they're not stuck up and they're not serious all the time, in fact they're just as bad as us lads when it comes to pranks' Brad laughed and Joe nodded agreeing, causing me to laugh.

When we reached the hotel there wasn't any screaming girls outside meaning for once the boys had managed to keep their whereabouts a secret.

Joe grabbed my bag from the boot and me and Brad walked towards the entrance and to the lift after Brad took the case off of Joe.

Brad had already been and checked in earlier In the morning with Connor so we didn't have to worry about that.

Me and Brad reached our room Brad dumped my bag near the wardrobe before grabbing my arm and pulling me straight back out of the room.

'Everybody is in Connor's room seen as its the biggest, just down the hall' Brad spoke as we walked down the corridor still hand in hand.

'Everybody is going to love you, you have nothing to worry out' Brad spoke as we reached a closed door which Brad then knocked on.

The door was soon opened and a smug looking Tristan stood in front of us.

'I just smashed Connor at Fifa!' Tristan cheered causing me and Brad to laugh.

'Nice to see you too' I replied before Tristan pulled me in to a friendly hug.

'The girls are in my room because we're playing Fifa if you want to go and find them' Tristan said as me and Brad came into view of Connor and James.

'Hey guys' I smiled and Connor and James both looked up from the tv at the same time.

'Hey Jo, can't talk right now I'm not getting leathered two times in a row' Connor spoke causing me to shake my head before James also said hey.

'Come on I'll take you to the girls and introduce you' Brad smiled as we walked back out of the room and knocked on the one next door.

'Oh hey Brad and... ahh it's the famous Jo!!' A girl with long brown hair cheered before pulling me into a tight hug.

'We've heard so much about you, I'm Anastatia by the way but everybody calls me Ana' the girl who I now know is Tristan's girlfriend spoken before pulling me into the room and closing the door on Brad.

'Hey guys look who finally arrived' all of the girls were in a circle on the bed, the way I'd imagined as bunch of girls to be gossiping like.

'Hey Jo' they all spoke. I recognised Kirstie from the one time James face timed Brad in Cyprus and so the other two must be Laura and Luisa.

'Were about to order some pizza so we should probably go and see if the boys are hungry' Ana said before she left the room.

'So how are you a Brad going then, he talks about you all the time, he's been so excited this week for you to come down. He's normally the only one on his own on these 'family' nights as we call them' Kirstie spoke moving up so there was room for me on the bed.

'Really good, I hope he's only told you good things' I laughed.

'Hey he must of fallen pretty hard seen as you convinced him to get a tattoo and he's been pussying out every time Connor has tried to convince him!' Luisa laughed pointing at the little tattoo on my wrist.

'That was a drunken crazy night' I laughed and all the other girls laughed too.

I really think I'm going to enjoy me few days in London with everybody.


Hi guys sorry it's so late but I've been super busy, anyway today I got tickets for Ariana and I went to The Vamps Book signing woooo

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