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Me and Brad had been back from Paris for about a month now, and I was back to my typical uni studies, him back to his not so boring schedule.

Brad was currently in America with the band, promo for the new album or something like that. 

'I really want to watch that film, split is it called?' Danny shouted from the living room of my flat.

Me and Danny had grown close once again, but this time it was different. I felt like I had a really good friend rather than somebody who was going to fuck me about and break my heart.

We'd finally got past the toxic relationship that wasn't meant to be.

'I don't know I'm pretty tired and it seems like a film I'd really need to concentrate on' I replied walking into the living room with a bowl of crisp in my hand.

'Damn it have you seen my phone?' I moan as I realise I'd misplaced it somewhere along the way.


It was 1pm over here meaning that Jo would probably be at home in bed right now so I decided now would be a good time to check in.

First I attempted to FaceTime. No answer.

Maybe she wasn't home, I know her FaceTime doesn't work without wifi.

So I tried to ring her number and still, no answer.

I tried a few more times before deciding to check her Snapchat to see if she'd posted anything.

One snap on her story.

A photo of Danny drinking coffee in the cafe she works at.

Don't get me wrong I trust her but, something about him just makes my blood boil. I mean, am I wrong for not wanting my girlfriend around her ex boyfriend so much?

I try to call again but only to reach her voicemail and so I launch my phone onto the bed in my hotel room.

'Bradley bear all angry' Tristan laughed as he walked into our room.

'It's just Jo, well more her ex' I sighed before sitting down on the bed.

'Why, what's happened?'

'It's just that first time I met him he seemed like a dick but for whatever reason Jo just can't see it. He's always there when I'm away'

Tristan joined me on the bed before speaking.

'Look man I know how much Jo cares about you, you've just got to trust her on this one. If she says they're friends then you have to believe her until she gives you s reason not to. Otherwise you're just going to drive yourself mental' Tristan patted my back before standing up.

'Lets go get cake and make fun of people in the cafe' he spoke gesturing for me to join him, which of course I do.



'Hey babe ' Brad spoke down the phone.

'Hey, I'm so sorry I missed your call before I lost my phone and later found it on top of the microwave' I laughed, what an idiot.

'You're something special'

'So what have you been up to today then' Brad continued.

'Well I worked this morning and then me and Danny just stayed in nothing spectacular like I bet your day was' I replied as I got into my bed.

'When is Danny going back to Manchester?' Brad asked, way to get to the point.

'Erm I'm not sure, it's nice having the company whilst you're away and Sarah is so busy'

Danny had been sleeping on the couch for the past two nights as his uni course means he doesn't have to be in at the moment, it's all independent study.

'Well lucky for you I'll be home sooner than you think' Brad sounded excited doesn't the phone, he wasn't suppose to come home until next week.

'I should be home in the next few days. Things got moved about so instead of the few days off we can come home and have a few more days off at home.'

'Omg are you serious! That's the best thing I've heard all day' The boys had already been gone two weeks so Brad coming home early was needed.

'Well it's late where you are so Ill you get some sleep. Ill see you soon gorgeous' Brad spoke softly.

'See you soooooon' I do act like a child sometimes.

'Love ya'.

'Love you'


Guess who's back after the most CRAZY summer filled with so much work my head feels like if I fell asleep now I wouldn't wake up until next summer.

So I'm so so so so so so sorry for how dead I've been but I've literally not had time to think 😂

This is also super short and rubbish but I just really wanted to give you something.

I hope you're all still here.

Lots of love ya girl xoxo gg

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