470 10 1

I stepped off the train looking around for a familiar face. My suitcase was way to heavy to just be here for a week but a girl can never have enough when they're away from home can they. 

After a few minutes or wandering the station, I finally spotted Kirstie stood waving at me.

I made my way over to her quickly, before pulled into a tight and well needed hug.

'I missed you' Kirstie as we began to walk towards James' car.

' I missed you too, Thankyou for letting me stay with you this week whilst I sort out what I'm doing' I replied as we reached the car, to which James got out of to help put my case in the boot.

'Here she is' James smiled, pulling me into a hug.

'How was America?' I asked as we all piled into the car.

'It was really good, the tour was fun but I'm glad to be back home in my own bed' James pulled out of the car park and began the journey to his house.

'So what have you been up to this last two weeks now exams are over' Kirstie asked, turning from the passenger seat to face me.

'Well I've started packing everything up in Leeds but I've mainly been home working, trying to save as much money as I can for a flat down here' I laughed at the thought that I am actually moving here very soon.

'Are you scared? I mean it's a big deal moving away like this' James asked, concentrating on the road.

'Yeah I guess but it's a dream job I couldn't turn it down' I replied before the car fell silent again.

After a few minutes, I decided to face the music  and bring up what they were too afraid to.

' so am I going to address the elephant in the room or are you? How is he' I asked, even after everything I'm still concerned about Brad.

'He's not good Jo, he hasn't spoken to any of us since we've been back. He's in Birmingham at the moment' James sighed as he continued to concentrate on the road.

'well he should of thought about it before he kissed Sabrina then'

I refused to show any sign that I cared how Brad felt or that I missed him more than anything, even though I did and it was probably plastered all over my face.

'Have you spoken to him at all?' Kirstie asked, giving me a sympathetic look that I really didn't need.

'Nope, I've got a lot to focus on this week like my interview and finding a flat that I can afford so I don't have time to listen to Brad tell me how sorry he is again' I replied quite firmly.

I take it they got the message that I wasn't in the mood to talk about it because they didn't bring the situation up again for the test of the journey home.


'So are you going to call Brad?' Kirstie asked as we walked into the kitchen.

'Yeah, I'm going to tell him we're having a lads night here because you're going out. And then when he turns up, me and you will be gone and Jo will have to answer the door' I repeated the plan back to Kirstie who seemed happy about it.

'I know Jo will probably hate us for meddling but they need to talk it through' she spoke, picking out an apple from the fruit bowl on the worktop.

'Jo needs to hear him out, Brad shouldn't of told her the way he did because he wasn't in a position that he could explain himself properly'

I know I was the one that walked in on Brad and the kiss wasn't completely innocent on his side, but I always know how much he loves Jo and seeing him hurting makes me feel I need to do something about it.

'She told me all about her relationship with Danny and I understand why she would see red at Brad kissing somebody else for the second time' Kirstie replied, taking a bite of the apple that was in her hand.

'Well hopefully by the end of the night they will of sorted it and everything can go back to normal' I sighed, wishful thinking I guess.

'Well I'm going to ring him now anyways'

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket checking the time. 10am, he probably isn't even awake. I laughed to myself as I found his name in my contacts.


I grabbed my phone from the side of my bed before heading down to the living room of James and Kirstie's home.

They had gone out on a date night as the boys were off for a few days, leaving me home alone with nothing to do.

I'd decided that I'd spend the night watching Netflix and looking for flats I can view this week for the night.

Just as I got comfy on the couch, in my pjs wrapped in a blanket, there was a bang at the door.

Kirstie didn't say they were expecting anything so it confused me slightly that somebody would be knocking.

I placed the laptop next to me and quickly got up, walking towards the door.

I opened the door, expecting to be greeted with some form of sales person, but instead I was greeted with an all to familiar head of curls, looking down at his phone in his hand.

'Brad?' His head quickly snapped up, confusion and shock written all over his face.

'Jo, what are, what are you doing here?' Brad ran his hands through his hair as he clearly felt uncomfortable.

' I could ask you the same thing?' Why would Brad show up unannounced when James and Kirstie are out?

'James told me to come down because he wanted to have some chilled time?' The lightbulb switched on in my head however Brad continued to stare at me confused.

'And how often does he do that?' I asked.

'Not very often anymore, I thought that was the point in him doing it, is he here?' I realised me and Brad were still in the doorway of James's house.

'No he's not, he's on a date night with Kirstie. Which leads me to believe this was all one big set up' I laughed at how cliche the situation we were in was.

'Shit I'm sorry' Brad scratched the back of his neck as he finally caught on to what James and Kristie had done.

I didn't reply, I just stood there awkwardly as I realised I was looking probably  the most unattractive Brad had ever seen me. My hair hadn't even been brushed today, my pjs were baggy for comfort and the bags under my eyes had become a joke.

'So, I mean, can I come in?' Brad asked, the look on his face showed he was 100% ready to get shut down.

'Erm yeah, I guess you'll have nowhere else to stay will you' I laughed stepping to the side and allowing him to walk into the house.


Lol this book is terrible don't remind me

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