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'Morning sunshine' Brad poked my check as I began to stir.

'Go away' I moaned as Brad chucked.

'We have a packed day ahead we need to go for breakfast!' Brad bounced on the bed causing me to nearly fall off the edge.

'Not cool dude' I threw the covers off of me before standing up and walking to the bathroom, turning the shower on.

After a nice shower I dried my hair straight before pulling out a flowery white jumpsuit form the wardrobe.

I applied my make up, going for a more natural look before smiling and turning to Brad, who was once again lay on the bed on his phone.

'I am ready when you are Simpson' he looked up from his phone, smiling at me before standing up.

'You look gorgeous' Brad linked his hand with mine and we excited the hotel room.

We found a cafe round the corner that sold the typical holiday breakfast - pancakes.

I ordered blueberries with mine and of course Brad ordered the sickly Nutella pancakes, even though It's 10am.

'So where to next' I asked Brad as we payed the bill and got ready to leave.

'The most touristy place in the city obviously, the tower' Brad replied as we exited the cafe.

We strolled down the roads, Brad taking many photos on his camera that he'd recently bought and I took a few on my Polaroid and phone.

We soon reached the tower, I'd been up here before when I came with Sarah but this time seemed more special.

Brad gave the man the tickets he had booked prior to the trip and we got into the lift up the tower.

'Pre warning, I am NOT a fan oh heights' I spoke nervously as we got higher and higher.

'Please don't have a panic attack at the top in not good with that shit' Brad laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.

'Thanks for putting confidence in me' I laughed as we reached the stop with the shop and cafe on and exited the lift.

We walked around to the outside edge of the tower, it was a beautiful view but I wasn't going anywhere near the edge.

'Let me get a few photos' Brad spoke before pulling his camera out indicating for me to pose, which I did.

After he took a few shots he asked the man stood near us to get a photo of the two of us.

We strolled round a few times before having a look at the little gift shop inside the tower.

'I think we might need a few of these' Brad smirked holding up a pack of 'I heart Paris condoms. 

(A/N FYI why I went to Paris they were really selling these in the tower)

'Brad shut up' I smacked his arm before taking the packet out of his hand and walking over to the till.

Brad's facial expressions changed to a more shocked luck as I returned his smirk, paying for the packet before placing it in my bag and walking back out of the store.

A few seconds later Brad appeared from the store.

'You never fail to surprise me Denver' he laughed before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the lifts.

'So where to now' I asked as we stood in the lift.

'Well I don't really have anything else planned, just sight seeing or where ever you want to go really' Brad shrugged his shoulders as we reached the bottom.

We continued to walk the streets of Paris, this place really was my safe haven.

Brad took about 10248383899 photos and I snapped a few on my phone.

'I want a hair cut' I spoke as we walked in and out of the little stalls.

'I'm sure you can find time when you get home or something, you're so random' Brad chucked.

'No I mean like cut quite a bit off it, a fancy a change' I replied as we walked around the corner, coming face to face with a hairdressers.

'Now if that isn't fate I don't know what is' I pulled brad's arm into the shop, hearing him laugh as I do so.

'Do you ever plan anything? Or is everything you do an on the spot decision?'

'If I plan and over think I chicken out' I shrugged.


'I'm not going to lie, I like it' Brad said flicking my hair.

'I do look pretty cool don't I' I laughed spinning around.

'I wish we could stay here foreverrrr' Brad said as we walked back to the hotel.

'It has been a perfect few days, I wish I didn't have to go back to Uni' I laughed but inside I really did want to go home.

'And I really wish you didn't live so damn far away' Brad stuck his bottom lip out as we reached the hotel.

'Where do you even class as home, like I know I live in Leeds but Manchester is home. Where do you see yourself living when you get your own place' I asked. 

'I'm not sure. I've always loved Birmingham and it'll always be home, but because of work I'll probably end up moving to London, all the travelling back and forth at the moment is tiring' he replied as we stepped into the lift.

'What about you, you staying in Manchester forever then'  brad wiggled his eyebrows in a jokey way even though I know the question he was asking was my serious than that.

'Unless somebody gives me a reason not to, I mean I graduate in a few months' I shrugged my shoulders as the bell in the lift rang signalling we had reached our floor.

'So you don't have a plan? A job lined up or anything' Brad put the key on the door.

'I have ideas, nothing I've decided on yet, well see how the rest of the year goes really'.

'Anyway we're on holiday lets not talk all serious talk' I continued, throwing my bag on the floor.

'Yeah I know, let's make use of those items you bought at the tower' Brad wiggles his eyebrows before placing his hands on my hips and connecting our lips.


Hey guys I'm sorry it's been a while I've had exams all week and I've had terrible writers block ahah.

Anyway did anybody get tickets for the mini tour ???

I got Birmingham 💃🏽💃🏽

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