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I continued to run away from the voice shouting my name until I reached the path near my apartment block. There was nobody else around so I stopped to try and catch My breath.

However a few seconds later an out of breath Brad came around the corner.

'Jo, wh.. why did you run?' Brad asked leaning his hands on his thighs, bending down slightly.

'Why did I run? Seriously' I spoke trying to keep my shit together. 

'Maybe it had something to do with the last 5 times I tried to speak to you, and you never replied, I even called. You ignored that, so I do apologise if talked to you right now isn't on the top of my list' I replied, my angry tone grew as I spoke.

'Look Jo I'm sorry. Ok. I shouldn't have left you hanging like that. We should of spoke about it. But I didn't know what to say to you! I didn't want to say that we shouldn't talk anymore because then whatever we had was officially over. But I didn't know when the next time was that I had time off, I couldn't just leave you wait for me when I might never be able to be here' Brad spoke, millions of emotions were in his voice.

'Bradley can you please just leave. I can't deal with you being here right now' I spoke, coming out almost like a whisper.

I still couldn't bring myself to look at him, because I knew looking into those soft eyes would kill me right now.

'Jo just listen to me please. I made a massive mistake cutting you off like that. I've been trying to think of a million things I could say to you, ring you or something just to get back in contact with you. But I've been too much of a coward to do so' his voice sounded so sad and sincere.

But I couldn't just let him walk back into my life and pretend everything is fine. The last two months have been awful and I've just started to pick myself up.

'Brad please, I can't do this right now. I don't want to do this' I spoke softly before turning to walk towards the door to my building.   

But Brad grabbed my arm and span me around, for the first time since I'm the cafe, I locked eyes with him. I couldn't pull away, it was like I was in a trance.

'You can't just walk away like that. Love, like we had does not just disappear! You can't just turn it off. I know you still feel it' Brad spoke but I couldn't get a word out.

'Jo I know that I messed up big time, but I've regretted it every day since, I've already lost you once, I can't walk away again. I won't'

'I.. Brad there was a reason it didn't work out' I finally managed to get a sentence out.

'Because I gave up. I didn't fight for this, I took the easy way out. But if we really try. Who knows, right?' Brad replied. I could see the hope in his eyes.

What he said is true, we gave up before we even tried.

'Please' Brad spoke placing his hand on my cheek.

Man I'd missed his touch.

Trying to work out whatever me and Brad have is a big risk, it could end terribly. But how I've felt since we stoped talking was terrible and I'd rather be able to say we at least tried to work through it, then say we gave up before even trying.

I decided the only way I could give Brad my answer right now was to close the gap that had become smaller and smaller between us, connecting our lips.

The sensation I felt all through my body came back, the same feeling I'd felt the first time he'd kissed me.

I ran my hands through his hair, leaning my arms on his shoulders.

Brads hands moved to my back as he ran his finger up and down gently.

I pulled apart from Brad, resting my forehead on his. 

'Is hat a yes then?' He asked smiling.

'A yes we can try and work out whatever this is' I laughed as I pointed at the both of us.

'Look Sarah has gone out tonight and probably won't be home until morning, I don't like having the place to myself, fancy staying here? I mean if you have to be somewhere or whatever it's fine but I jus...'

'I'd love to' Brad cut me off causing me to smile and turn to walk into the building.

Brad entwined our hands together as we began to walk up the stairs to the third floor.

'Do you lot have a lift or something?' Brad moaned as we reached my floor.

'Yeah, but then you wouldn't be getting another exercise out of it would you' I laughed and he pulled a weird face at me.

'This is me' I said stoping outside the white door with the number 372 on it.

I unlocked the door and checked Sarah's room to make sure she did go out.

'I'm guessing you're hungry seen as I just cost you your meal?' I laughed and as if on queue brads stomach rumbled.

'I'll order pizza' I smiled picking up my phone and logging onto the website.

'I don't like talking on phones, I'll just do it on this' I smiled.

This whole situation felt so unreal. This time last night was sat on my bed thinking about Brad and the summer. And now he's here. Completely out of the blue, in my apartment.

It didn't take long for the pizza to arrive and we ate it pretty fast.

We sat in silence for a while before I suggested watching I film in my room.

Brad picked out the breakfast club and put it in the DVD player before joining me on my bed.

'Damn I missed you so much' Brad spoke rapping his arm around me so that I cuddled into him.

Half way through the film I found myself gazing at Brad rather than the film.

When he eventually turned and looked at me, I couldn't help but smile. The majority of the time I'm around Brad I smile and I don't even realise.

I know we still have a lot to talk about, we can't just bump into each other and suddenly everything is perfect. But right now I'm enjoying his company.

I leaned in, cupping Brad's cheeks with my hands and connecting our lips.

The kiss depend and Brad sat up, leaning over so he was now leaning over me. He disconnected our lips however continued to kiss me, moving further down my next until he found that spot once again.

I continued to play with his hair as his hands explored my body and he continued to kiss me.

Man I'd missed his touch.


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