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'So I was thinking, maybe you could come down to the studio after your lecture?' Brad spoke as he played with my hand.

'What?' I asked a bit confused. 

'Well all of the boys know about you and they're really keen to meet you, and I can't really take another day off the studio so it's a win win really. You get to meet the boys and I still get the studio time' Brad replied as he sat up a bit more.

'Hmm maybe. What do you mean they all 'know about me' what do they know' I asked joining Brad sat up.

'Well you briefly spoke to James and Connor on face time remember? And they told Tristan whilst we were on holiday and it's been none stop questions ever since. You coming would finally shut them up hopefully' Brad laughed.

'Okay. I'll come' I smiled and kissed Brad gently. 


Was buying a pack of donuts too much? No they're growing boys they'll appreciated a pack of 12 donuts surely.

I arrived at the address Brad had given me go be greeted with Brad just inside the entrance . 

Brad smiled and pulled me into a warm hug.

'I brought presents' I smiled holding up the box of donuts.

'The boys will loved you before you even say hello with them in your hand' Brad laughed leading me down some long corridor, stopping in front of a door. 

'Nobody knows you're coming so hopefully it will be a nice surprise' Brad spoke before opening the door.

I was so nervous I mean these are Brads best friends, if they don't like me then I'm fucked really aren't it.

'Hey guys I found this girl walking the streets and she had donuts so I brought her in' Brad spoke, stepping from in front of me so I could now see the four boys sat in front of me.

I gave an awkward smile and I could see in James' eyes he knew exactly who I was.

'I'm joking Joe man, this is Jo. Jo that's Joe out manager. Damn that's going to get confusing' Brad laughed and Joe's facial expressions softened. 

'Ahh so this is The Jo' The blonde one spoke, who I'm guessing was Tristan.

'I guess so' I laughed before walking towards the empty space on the couch next to James.

'So Jo, what brings you here' Connor spoke breaking the slightly awkward silence.

'Well Brad told me they're be loads of fit lads here, but to be honestly I'm disappointed' I replied trying to keep a straight face but seeming Brad laugh made me automatically laugh.

'Me and Jo met on holiday and we ran into each other didn't we' Brad smiled at me, explaining himself to Joe who seemed chilled about me being here.

'More like Brad ran after Jo' James laughed causing my cheeks to heat up.

After a few more minutes of chatting, Joe told Brad to get in the recording area and I was left with James.

'So have you a Brad worked it out then?' James asked.

'I don't know. We haven't even had a proper conversation about it yet it's like he's just avoiding the subject to be honest' I replied.

For some reason I felt like I could really confide in James. He just gave off that vibe that I could trust him.

'I think you need to have that conversation before tomorrow' James replied.

'Tomorrow?' I asked confused.

'Has Brad not told you we go back to London tomorrow? We have a few radio interviews and more studio time booked down there' James spoke as I continued to look confused.

'Of course he hasn't told you' James sighed

I knew Brad wasn't here forever and I knew he's be leaving very soon, but tomorrow? Why didn't he tell me about that. I mean it seems like a pretty important thing to say.


Me and Brad were currently sat on my bed chatting about stupid things like what I've done the past two months and he told me about his trip to India.

'So you're going down south tomorrow' I spoke playing with my fingers. I didn't want to look at Brad because I didn't want my emotions to get the better of me.

'How did you know? I was about to tell you'

'James told me before. He thought I knew'

'If you knew I was only here for two days, would it if changed how you acted with me?' Brad asked.

'I don't know. Probably not. But we'd of managed to talk about it sooner' I replied looking at Brad for the first time.

'Talk about what?' Brad asked looking at my confused.

'This. Us. There was a reason it didn't work the first time' I sighed and Brad took my hand in his.

'Look Jo, you know how I feel and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way. I didn't try last time because I was too scared and that's why it didn't work. Do you know how many girls come into my life for a bit of attention and then fuck me off? I was scared because of the way I feel about you if you were to of turned out like that, it would of actually broken my heart. But if we actually try, we can work past this distance thing' Brad looked at me with so much passion  in his eyes.

'You promise you won't just stop texting back and answering my phone calls? Because that hurt man' I spoke.

'I promise Jo. I'm so sorry for that.'

'Okay' I smiled at Brad and I saw a little twinkle in his eyes.

'So we're really going to give this a go' Brad smiled and I leaned in, connecting our lips. Brad smiled into the kiss before pulling away and pulling me into a hug.

'Connor wants you to come to London next week. You know it's the holidays at uni anyway so why not' Brad spoke pulling out of the hug so he was looking at me.

'Connor wants me to come does he? Hmm I'm not too sure then' I smirked at Brad causing him to roll his eyes at me.

'Of course I want you to come too, but it's Connor's girlfriend's birthday and I'd rather not be the only one going alone, he invited you to come for a meal. Please come' Brad stuck his bottom lip out causing me laugh at him.

'How can I say no to that face' I continued to laugh at how childish he was.

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