[Lover's Lane] Zane X Reader Odd Custumer

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Zane X Reader

Third P.O.V.

A raven haired male sluggishly made his way through the crowded cafe he currently worked in. A maid and butler cafe to be exact. He was a butler and was currently serving multiple guest at once, why you may ask? Because his partner, Gene, was busy trying to cook the customers' orders. There were other people in the staff but they were all busy doing something at the moment.

Kawaii-Chan was the head chef at the moment, Gene being her assistant, Aphmau was greeting the guest, Aaron was out back with Garroth, Laurence, and the new guy. They were moving boxes full of supplies into the back room while Zane was left to attend all the other guest by himself.

"He's so cute!"

"And so edgy~"

"Totally my type!"

"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"

"I hope not..,"

The raven haired male pulled his mask further up his face to try to cover up the growing blush on his face. Ever since he's gotten this job he's been getting a lot of attention. Everyone of his customers would flirt with him, try to get his number or try to land a date with him. Key word try.

He rejected every single one of them.

He didn't have time for going on dates or having to deal with feelings. Nope. He had to focus on getting enough money to move out of his brother's house, he can't stand it there any longer.

"Zane-Senpai! Here are the orders for table number 5!" Kawaii-Chan spoke out as she set down a couple of plates recently cooked foods onto the counter. Zane huffed as he made his way to the retrieve the plates, avoiding all the suggestive looks and winks the female customers were sending his way. He grabbed the plates, setting them on the tray in his arms, and began making his way to the fifth table, and to his dismay it was a table full of girls. And they were all giving him the look. He grimaced and set the plates down in front of the respective owners.

"Here are your orders, is there anything else I can get you?" He spoke out as he looked away from the girls. The girls looked among each other and one of the ones closest to him stood up and brought his face to her own. I gulped, no no no no no no no no no-

"Why don't you give us your number cutie?" Cooed the female as she lightly tugged on his mask. Zane began to freak out as he held onto the back of his mask to prevent the girl from pulling off his mask and uncover his freckles. His eyes darted from side desperately looking for an excuse to wiggle his way out of the situation.

His blue eyes landed on a girl sitting in the corner of the cafe scrolling through her phone. The menu was opened in front of her and she look up from her phone. She looked around for as if she was looking for someone, maybe a waiter? Seeing an opened opportunity, the ravened hair boy took the chance to slip away.

"Excuse me, but I have to attended to other guest," Zane spoke in a monotony  voice as he removed the female's hands from his mask and made his way to the girl in the corner. As the male approached the girl he could get a better view of what she was doing on her phone. She was scrolling through some kind of social media, Zane subconsciously tugged the ends of his mask tighter together as he neared the girl.

"Excuse me miss. Are you ready to order?" He asked. He grabbed a notebook and pen to start taking the girl's order. The girl flinched and looked at the male in front of her, waiting to take her order. Ice blue orbs met (E/C) orbs, as the girl blushed a paled red from embarrassment.

"Y-yeah! Sorry," the female apologized as she read out her order to the male in front of her. Zane scribbled down the girl's order on the notebook in his hand. As he wrote down the order he was able to get a better look at the female's face. There was certain red tin on the girl's cheeks, was she blushing? Her hair was held out of her face by (hair clips/a beanie), framing her face. She wore hipster-ish clothes, a paled green jacket, along with (shorts/a skirt) and knee high black socks underneath tanned boots. Zane shook his head, he had to focus on his job.

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