[Minecraft Diaries] Vylad x Reader Modern Royalty

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Vylad X Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
AU: Modern Royalty
Requested by: @GeekyAwkwardFangirl
Warning: Major fluff and mushy stuff

3rd P.O.V.

"Your highness, you must get ready for the party tonight," said a (maid/butler) of (H/C) hair.

"Thank you (Y/N)" said Vylad, the third in line for the Royal throne. He kept his distance from the rest of kingdom unlike his brothers where they would stay in the castle. He often traveled around, to explore, to see the world, he hated staying cooped up in one place. At first his parents would question him and his choices but slowly understood, at least he didn't turn out to be like Zane. "By the way, will you be at the party also?"

"Me? Of course, they needed an extra waiter so I'll be there," the spoke cheerfully as they grabbed a measuring tape.

"I didn't mean that," he huffed a bit. "I meant that if you'll be dancing not working" whined the prince as he stretched out his arms.

"I'm afraid not, I (maid/butler)'s work is never done," they spoke as they measured his chest followed by his back.

"That sucks, I wanted to spend some time with you," pouted Vylad as he tried to hold still. A pink blush spread through their face as they faked a cough.

"Prince Vlyad, you always spend time with me. I am your personal (maid/butler) after all," they spoke as their voice wavered a bit, they were trying their best to avoid eye contact.

"I know but I meant in a more friendlier way than this," he spoke as he looked down at person.

"Sir, I uh, don't know what to say," they muttered as their face began to resemble that of a cherry. There was a knock at the door, excusing themselves (Y/N) went to open the door to reveal the head chef.

"(Y/N) we need in the kitchen and- Oh! Your highness! I didn't see you there, please forgive me," they spoke as they bowed down avoiding eye contact.

"It's alright, please stand," he said as gave them a reassuring smile. They stood up, still avoiding eye contact, and gestured to (Y/N) to follow them.

"I'm afraid we have to go your highness, we're running short on hands in the kitchen," they spoke as they made their way out the door.

"O-oh, alright," he said as he slumped down. He was looking forward to spending some time with his friend before the party but now they were taken away from them. Pouting he walked to desk, grabbed a key and unlocked one of the drawers. He pulled out a piece a paper, more specifically a map of the castle's layout. Red marks where on it, a green mark was on the ballroom where he would be. (Color) marks where all over the ballroom and the kitchen, signifying where (Y/N) would be during the ball.

They were no where close to each other.

The prince sighed as he rubbed his head in frustration as he tried to come up with a way to get them to meet up at least once. Suddenly a thought hit him, what if (Y/N) suddenly got sick and couldn't be in the party? But they'll actually be at the party dressed up as a guest, and as a good host he'll have to attend to his guest. When in reality he'll just be hanging out with (Y/N) the whole time!

"Vylad you are a genius!" He complimented himself as he began to come up with a believable story to give to the head chef.

"What a shame that (Y/N) had got a fever so suddenly, don't worry Prince Vylad we'll manage without them," said the head chef as they bowed and walked back into the kitchen. Vylad mentally congratulated himself and made a break for it, trying to find (Y/N) before anyone could. Spotting them walking back from one end of the corridor Vlyad bolted toward them.

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