[Minecraft Diaries] Gene x Reader The Lord's Daughter

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Yandere!Gene X Reader
Warning! Blood mention!

A girl.

She was just a girl.

The lord's daughter to be exact.

Everyone in her village loved her, she was sweet, she was nice, and she was above all else beautiful. All the men in her village tried their best to woo her, to win her heart but they all failed. She just wasn't interested in any of them. Not even the new head guard of the village.


He loved her, with all his heart. He did everything he could to win her over, to make her his. Flowers, chocolates, and jewelry but nothing worked. She knew his secrets, she knew how he got to where he is now. She knows he cheated, sabotaged, even killed just to fulfill his own greedy desires. And she wanted nothing to do with that, nothing at all.

"But m'lady! I-"

"Please Gene, get out of my room,"

"But Lady (Y/N) I love you! Please just say yes, I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world! I swear to Irene-" Gene pleaded. He held the girl's hand as he went down on one knee looking up at her with loving eyes.

"And how will you do that? The same ways you used to become head guard?" Said the girl as she removed her hand from his hold. Gene's breath stopped for a moment, did she know? There's no way she could of know, he made sure to get rid of all witnesses and his brother Dante swore never to tell.

"M'Lady, what ever do you mean-"

"Do you think I'm a fool? I've seen what you've done to everyone around you. One second they're fine and the next it's like they never knew what happened... Almost like they forgot. Like- like magiks!" Exclaimed (Y/N). There was something off about Gene, she knew it.

"I-I-" stammered Gene. She knew too much, she needed to forget. "I'm sorry Lady (Y/N),"

"What are you-" she started before Gene tackled her to the ground. Thankfully it was late at night, plus they were in her room so no one was around to see them. "G-get off of me this instance! Unhand me!" She struggled to get Gene off of her body, but he held a firm grip on her.

"You know too much M'Lady. I would say to forgive me for my actions but I'm afraid you won't remember what I did," Gene chuckled as he planted his lips upon her soft (thin/plump) lips. (Y/N) let out a muffled yelp as she desperately struggled against Gene. His lips moved against her own in attempt to get her to kiss back. When he saw that she wasn't going to kiss back he growled, he forcefully shoved his tongue into her mouth earning a muffled sob.

Suddenly there was the sounds of loud footsteps and shouts making their way into the house. Gene broke the kiss and clamped down his hand over (Y/N)'s now bruised lips. She struggled to be set free or to at least make some kind of noise to notify the guards she was in her room. She tried to let out a scream but Gene's hand was still firmly planted on her mouth.

"Now now, you wouldn't want them to find us- OUCH!" Shrieked Gene as (Y/N) bit his hand in attempt to free herself.

"I'm in my room! Help-!" Was all she got out before Gene grabbed her and pulled her close. Suddenly the room was filled with guards all dressed in armor and carried weapons.

"One false move and I'll slice her neck open!" Threatened Gene as he held a sword to (Y/N)'s exposed neck. His eyes darted from side to side as he looked for a way to escape his current situation with (Y/N). He was going to get her to love him back one way or another. Even if it meant by force.

"Gene, I order you to release the lord's daughter this very moment," spoke a guard as he circled them.

"You, order me? What a joke! Do you forget who's in charge here?"

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