[Minecraft Dairies] Zane X Reader Thief

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Zane X Thief!Reader
Reader: Gender neutral / Bonus Magkis User
Requested by: @sparkle1001

Third P.O.V.

A crisp breeze blew through the quiet night. The star filled sky illuminated the dark ground below, casting long, dark shadows on the worn out trail. Nothing moved. Only the nocturnal animals where awake and out in the dark. Raccoons were sniffing the air in search of food, slowly making their way to a large wall surrounding a rather large castle.

Guards where positioned on the outskirts of the village, mainly surrounding the gray stoned castle. The guard walked their usual routines, back and forth from between the entrance and on top of the surrounding walls. They made sure not to let anyone in, they quickly arrested of any intruders and sent them to the city jail for a fair trail. That is if they ever spotted them.

Everything seemed to be at ease, nothing out of the ordinary. The royal family stayed safe in their large castle, under their covers and in a deep slumber. All but one...

Zane Ro'Meave. The high priest of O'Khasis, the city's second prince, and a man of dark desires and wicked thoughts and actions. Many feared the man, scared that they'll be his next victim if they even dared to look at him weirdly. Fortunately for the kingdom he wasn't next in throne, it was his older brother, Garroth, who would be the successor. This enraged the ravenette profoundly seeing as how he craved the power while his brother refused it. And now his brother had gone missing, he ran away from his responsibilities, and now it was to him to look for his brother.

The ravenette was up all night trying to map out all the possibilities of where his brother could of gone to. It was beginning to wear him out. His grip tighten its hold on the quill it held, successfully snapping the tip off. Growling he threw the item across the room, shortly followed by the ink bottle.

"Irene damn it!" He cursed as he saw the mess the ink bottle made on the ground and wall. "Stupid Garroth!"

The male was already irritated by the fact that he had spent multiple nights wide awake trying to pin point his brother's location and now he had to deal with that mess. He kicked his chair and let out a huff of irritation as he went to his drawer. I'll just get a maid to clean it tomorrow morning.  Stripping himself from his day clothes he put on his night suit and went under the covers letting himself drift off to sleep.

"What's this? Where are all the valuables?"

Zane shifted in his sleep.

"Just a stinky old map,"

Zane woke up, fully aware of an intruder in his room. He made sure not to let them know, carefully he opened his eye, making sure not to move his head, he tried to scan the area. His eye landed on a black hooded figure by his desk, they were looking through his papers and drawers. They continued to mutter to themselves as they rummaged through the desk. Slowly the Ro'Meave brother got up and with carefulness grabbed his sword that laid besides his bed.

He tipped toed behind the figure and drew his sword out, unfortunately this made a noise which caused the figure to look behind him. Launching himself on top of the figure he pinned them down on top of the table holding the sword against their throats. They wore typical thief clothes, a (color) scarf covered the majority of their face and hair.

"What are you doing in my room?! Do you even know who's bedroom you've broken into?!" He snapped.

The intruder tried to move their head away from the sword but only managed to get themselves pressed further into the desk.

"Well, heh, isn't this an odd situation," they chuckled. "You weren't suppose to wake up until I left. Not a heavy sleeper I see-"

"Answer me before I force an answer out of you," growled the priest.

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