[PDH] Ein X Reader Your My Date? (Pt. 2)

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Ein X Reader
Reader: Female
Other: badass reader
Warnings: FLUFF, Ein being Ein so cuteness overload

3rd P.O.V.

"My Irene! Don't you have anything better to do than to pick on poor Ein?!" You growled as you stalked over to a group of werewolves pulling on Ein's ears and tail. The other werewolves looked at you with fearful eyes as they once more tried to act tough.

"S-stay out of our business human! Don't mess with us werewolves!" Stuttered the one pulling on Ein's tail.

"Yeah! We can shred you to pieces!" Added his friend who was holding Ein down.

"Like steak- FRISBEE!" Yelled the last wolf as the rest of them chased after the frisbee you chuck across the hall. Grabbing Ein's hand you pulled him in the opposite direction of the pack of werewolves who were fighting for the frisbee.

"Do they not have lives? Why don't they pick on someone else?" You grumbled as you say Ein down on one of the benches in the halls. No one was around since it was during class hours but you had skipped class after you noticed that Ein wasn't there. Ein sat with no protests and looked at you with sad eyes. You examined his ears, seeing that they had managed to get a hold of his piercings. The area around them were bright red and looked like it was bleeding. "Those jerks, they really need lives of their own,"

"It doesn't really matter! I'm okay-" Ein began as he tried to stand up. You pushed him back down immediately.

"No your not, your ears are bleeding," you sighed as you grabbed your napkin from your pocket and walked over to a water fountain. Lightly wetting it, you walked back to Ein who had removed his piercings. He looked at them with uneasy eyes as he saw blood coating them. You sat besides him cleaning his ears, he tried his best to keep quiet but whimpers left his throat. How could anyone do this to Ein? He hadn't done anything at all, scratch that, he moved here. You finished up cleaning and saw that his ear had died down in color, without thinking your lips landed on his wounds. You closed your eyes and held your lips there for a few seconds before moving back and patting his head. "There, now let's get to class,"

You didn't wait for his answer, you were far too embarrassed by what you've done that you left on your own. You heard Ein's footsteps follow closely behind you. You walked into your class, ignoring the teachers remarks on being late and sat down on your seat.

"So we're meeting up at your house for prom right?" Ein asked from the other side of the screen on your laptop. After sometime you've exchanged your Skypes which allowed you both to chat a lot more. You nodded as you held a plate of (food) in your hands.

"Exactly, so have you picked out the little flower bracelet for me yet? You know the thing that the guy always gives to their date or something like that?" You asked in a joking manner. You laughed as Ein looked at you with a red face. "I'm taking that as a no? It's okay either way I'm cool with that-"

"No! I actually got you something," he mumbled as he hugged a pillow. "I just hope you like it,"

"I'm sure I will," you laughed taking a bite from your food your mother had brought for you. "Well, as long as it's not some kind of dead animal that is,"

"Hey! I thought that's what humans did for their friends," he whined as you brought back memories. Let's just say that Ein got you a dead bird one day only for you to freak out and that lead to Ein getting embarrassed. Later you explained that why you freaked and he promised not to do it again.

"Yeah, yeah. I get. No worries man," you laughed.

"Um, (Y/N)?" You heard Ein stutter. You looked up from your food.

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