[Creepypasta] Ticci Toby x Reader MINE

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Yandere!Ticci Toby X Reader
Reader: Gender neutral / victim
Warnings: Blood mention, killing, yandere!Toby

3rd P.O.V.

"ACHOO!" You sneezed as you opened your locker and began to wiped your nose on your sleeve. "Stupid hay fever," you grumbled as you took out books from your locker.

"Ewww, at least use a tissue," your friend whined as they handed you tissues.

"Thanks mom," you snicker as you took the tissue and properly blew your nose free of snot. You continued to pack your things as you talked to your friend about meaningless things. Everything seemed find, students where about and socializing with each other, the janitors doing their jobs. Everything was find, nothing could possibly go wrong. Right?

"Hey, what's in that box down there?" Asked your friend as they pointed to a box at the very bottom of your locker.

"What box- what da fuck?" You said as you picked up the box. It's was a white wooden box with a red ribbon tied on top of it. "Since when did I have a box in my locker?"

"What if it's from a secret admirer?!" Your friend teased as they tugged at the ribbon to try to open it. You swatted you friend's hand away as the color of your cheeks turned red. "Open it! Open it!"

"Alright alright, give me a minute," you said as you tugged at the ribbon and taking it off, gently you lifted the lid only to be hit with a strong metallic smell causing you to drop the lid back in place. "Holy shit, that reeks!"

"No kidding!" They gagged.

You pinched your nose shut and set the box down on the ground. Grabbing your things you closed your locker and squatted down besides the box, an uneasy feeling started to form on the back of your head as if you knew something horrible was going to happen. Your friend nodded towards the box as if they were signaling you to try to open it once again. Sighing you carefully grabbed the lid and lifted it open.

"AHHHHHHH!" You screamed as you tossed the box far away from you spilling its contents on the floor for everyone to see. Everyone turned to look at the box and they did the same, some screamed, some fainted and a few threw up only adding to the horrible smell that started to make its way around. On display for everyone to see where the remains of a torn out heart, whether it was human or animal wasn't clear. The inside of the box was stained red from the blood that leaked out of it. The heart itself was starting to look white from the lack of blood as it looked as if it was starting to rot.

People panicked and ran around trying to get away from the heart while others pulled out their phones and dialed the police. You, on the other hand stood in shock as you started at the heart and at the place it once was in your locker. Underneath where the box once was, was a note. Picking it up you stuffed it in your pocket and ran out of scene as quickly as possible.

Police where everywhere by now, yellow caution tape was surrounding the heart and your locker. The police began to investigate, they asked you questions and you tried your best to answer them all.

"Do you know who put that heart in your locker?"

"No, I just found it there this morning,"

"Any idea of who it could of been? Anyone know the combination to your locker?"

"No one, not even my friend knows it,"

"That will be all, thank you," they said as they finished writing on their notepad. They tipped their hat to you and walked off towards the other officers.

"Wait!" You called after them. They turned around and walked back to you.

"Is there something wrong?"

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