[ROTG] Jack Frost X Reader Turn Ons

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Jack Frost x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral
Others: no nsfw, YOU ALL THOUGHT HA. He has no idea whats he's doing to you.
Warning: Saw this and I could agree with a fair amount of it lol


"What's the matter ice cakes?"

The Frost spirit asked as he casually leaned against one of the walls of your room. His body was keeping you in your spot. Your face was turning red as you realized how close you two actually were. His arm was to the side of your face, but his face was getting closer to your cheeks.

You felt his cold breath fan your heated cheeks.
It felt good.
His mouth was by your ear, you could hear his breathing. Your ear was bright red at these actions.

He was leaning closer to you, his body pressing against yours as if trying to get a reaction out of you, as you desperately tried to control yourself from going crazy. His free hand began to travel up your arm. Starting with your fingertips, his cold hand lightly touched you as it traveled up. Moving slowly upwards, inch by inch. His touch gave you goosebumps, making you shiver with anticipation. His hand finally rest at the base of your neck, sending more shivers across your body. By now his body was pressed against yours, there was hardly any space to move without your body touching his. He let out an airy chuckle into your sensitive ear, his breath giving you chills. With his mouth by your ear he began to speak softly, almost at a whisper, to you...

"You're looking quiet chilled there (Y/N)" he teased. You immediately stopped shivering before looking up at his smiling face.

He totally ruined the moment. And on purpose.

You gave him a lopsided grin as you joked back. "Ha, ha. Very funny Jack. Way to ruin the moment"

He gave you a confused smile, his hands finding their way to your own hands. He gave them a light squeeze as you buried yourself in his embrace.

"I don't know what your talking about" he hummed.

"Of course not" you joked.

He cuddled up against you as you both stayed by the window, the chilly air keeping you both cold. He smiled as he told you about his adventures, his hands still holding yours with much enthusiasm. You listened eagerly at his stories yet your mind was still on his previous actions.

You were just a bit disappointed that things didn't develop as you had hoped.
Did he even know what he was doing to you?

Curse you and your turn ons!

"What do you call a car, a fly, and a dog?" You asked your boyfriend Jack who seemed to look at you with much confusion. His brows furrowed as he looked genuinely curious and confused at your question. He thought for a second before shrugging and giving up.

"I have no idea. What do you call a car, a fly, and a dog?" Jack repeated your question as he looked at you expectingly. You tried to hold in your laughter as you tried to speak.

"A- ha! Wait wait, I got it- ahaha!" You struggled to speak, making Jack grow impatient. He huffed his cheeks out as he tried to calm you down.

"(Y/N)! Please tell me!" He begged.

"A flying car pet!" You laughed out. Jack stared at your laughing body as he processed your joke. You looked at him.
Waiting for him to laugh.

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