[ROTG] Jack Frost X Reader Warmed Up

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Jack Frost X Reader
Reader: gender neutral
Other: Dark!Jack Frost, hmmmm!
Warning: no pure boi here just an ice prince

3rd P.O.V.

A cold gust of air hit your face as your window flung open. You whimpered as the cold air nipped at your bare skin. You grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around your frame, it provided little to no warmth. Your eyes traveled to the window where the sky was dark and the moon barely shined. Standing on your window still was none other than the prince of ice and fear himself.

Jack Frost.

But this isn't the Jack Frost you once knew when you were younger. No, he was completely different. He wasn't a fun loving trouble maker, no, he was a trouble maker with a sick sense of humor. He found humor in making blizzards, trapping people in his ice creations where he watched them wither under his cold grasp. He stared you down with a cold glare and you looked away. His stare was ice, it sent shivers down your spine but not the good kind.

"Welcome back," you said nervously as your hands clamped. Jack stayed silent as he walked over to you on the bed. You tried your best to remain calm as he approached, the shadows in your room seemed to be getting closer to your shivering frame. He sat besides you before he pulled you into a cold hug burying his head into your neck. He didn't move, he just kept his hold on you.

It was going to be another one of those night.

The ones were he would hold onto you and not let you go until he was satisfied. He wouldn't care if you were freezing under his touch or if you started to get frostbite, he would just hold onto you.

You stayed still, your heartbeat pounding in your ears as your warmth escaped your being. Your hand trembled slightly as you wondered if it was okay to touch his hair. His hair, it was jet black. It stood out in every which way, it was a mess but it didn't look like a mess. Every strand seemed to have its proper place own his head. You often wondered what it felt like, was it soft? Or was it spiky?

Suddenly he pulled his head back and stared at you with golden eyes. His eyes were no longer the bright blue you once remembered. They had turned into a piercing golden color that made you feel uneasy every time you saw them. They flickered with a strange emotion, something that disappeared the second it appeared. Your breath hitched, causing you to shiver slightly at the sudden intake of cold air. He looked at your hand that was still in the air, and narrowed his eyes.

"Touch it," he said, his voice held no emotion as he spoke. His words were ice, his gaze so harsh. Your hand still wavered in the air as your tried to process what he had said. He buried his head back into your neck, letting you consider if you should touch his hair. "I'm not going to bite you"

Not what I'm necessarily afraid of, you thought to yourself. You were more scare of what his reaction would be, he did say you could touch his hair so you should be fine. Right?

You gently placed your hand on top of his head, feeling the mass of surprising soft locks getting tangled in your fingers. Your fingers ran across the scalp of his head as you felt him physically relax under your touch. A soft sigh of content escaped his lips, his icy breath hitting your neck sending more shivers down your spine. A stutter left your lips as you continued to run your hands through his hair. It was so soft. You felt like you were touching a cloud with your fingers, it was all so soft. So, so soft. A smiled made its way to your lips as he pressed himself closer to you, you had almost forgotten how uneasy he made you feel. He was actually cuddling up to you, something that you weren't expecting from him. His guard seemed to be down and his usual stiff composure was replaced with a less lax feeling.

"Hmmm..," a sigh left his lips as he pushed you down on the bed and wrapped his arms closer to you. You could no longer move around but it didn't stop you from continuously running your fingers through his hair. How he managed to change so much in such a short time baffled you beyond words. Yet, you felt strangely attracted to this side of him unlike his more stiff side where it would be silence. You took a quick glance at his face, it was relaxed. His closed eyes made it look like he was sleeping. He almost looked... Innocent. His face was no longer stone as you stared at it. Suddenly he opened an eye, nearly startling you had you not been so entranced by his innocence appearance.

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