[ROTG] Pitch Black X Reader Holding Back

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Pitch Black X Reader
Requested by @Sam_Conway
Reader: gender neutral
Other: angsttttt
Warning: saddnesssssss

3rd P.O.V.

A figure constantly turned and twisted in their bed as vivid nightmares disturbed their sleep. Constant images of a black figure flashed before them as they desperately tried to get away. No matter how much they ran the figure kept up with ease. They tripped on nothing and turned around to see golden eye piercing through their figure.

"AHHHHHHHH!" You screamed. You clutched onto your blankets and your eyes darted through out your room. The darkness was not helping with your nerves.

Cautiously you walked over to the light switch and flicked it on. Your eyes scanned through the room, worried about what may be hiding under your bed or in your closet. You looked out your window where the moon was hidden behind a thicket of clouds. Clutching tightly onto the window still you climbed out of your window. Quietly you made your way to the roof top and let out a shaky sigh.

Those nightmares... They were really eating away at your sanity. You couldn't figure out why you kept on getting them. They just appeared whenever they pleased. You could go days without those nightmares or you could have them for days.

You gripped onto your head and growled.

"Why? Why?! WHY?!" You screamed at the moon that was struggling against the clouds. You didn't want to deal with these things anymore. You just wanted to sleep, you just wanted peace. You slammed a fist to the ground sending waves of pain through your knuckles. You winced as tears threaten to fall from your eyes.

What could be causing these nightmares? Or was a who? Flashes of the infamous Boogie Man passed by your eyes. You shook your head. No, he's not real... He just a story for kids... Right..?

A sudden gust of wind blew against your light clothed frame. You hugged yourself as you scolded yourself for forgetting a blanket. You continued to ponder on who might be causing these nightmares. You refused to believe in such childish stories and proceeded to think about anything recent. Was it a horror movie? No, you haven't had trouble with any before and you haven't see one in weeks. There was no one you had trouble with as of late so that ruled out that possibility.

Another strong gust blew and you let out a whimper as you curled up in a ball. You were about to stand up when something landed around your shoulders. You screamed and tossed away whatever was placed on your shoulders. You opened an eye and saw that it was just your blanket, that you left on your bed inside your room. Carefully picking it up you wrapped it around you and looked around.

How did this get here? Who brought it up here? You began to shake once more as you couldn't find anyone on the roof with you. Your breath grew uneven as you began to panic.

"(Y/N)..," said a voice.

That was it. That was the last straw. Immediately you rushed to get into your room closed the window behind you. You pulled the curtains closed and hid in the corner of your room. You were shaking and crying, you didn't want to deal with this anymore. You pulled your blanket closer to your frame as you trembled.

"(Y/N), please... I just want to talk..," said the voice again. This time it sounded like it was in your closet. You eyes your closet door as you saw golden eyes looking at you. The figure slowly came out of the closet. It was a man, tall and slender. He wore a black robe and his skin was a sickly gray.

"W-who are you?! How'd you get in my room?! S-stay away!" You wailed as you pushed yourself closer to the corner.

"Please (Y/N), I-I just want to talk. I-" he pleaded before you interrupted.

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