[Rise of the Guardians] Jack Frost x Reader Soulmates

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Jack Frost X Reader
Reader: gender neutral
AU: Soulmate, when you or your soulmate listens to music the other can hear it too and it gets louder the closer you are.
Warnings: fluff? (And my tears about how precious this boy is)

3rd P.O.V.

"There it is again!" Jack gasped as he floated around the skies of (country).

"Really? Where!" Toothiana asked as she followed the winter spirit around.

"Somewhere around here. I can just barely hear it," he mumbled.

"Well, which way does it sound the closest?" She asked in a low whisper. Jack closed his eyes and covered his ear in attempt to block out any other sounds. Just barely he could hear a song playing lightly in his ears. Flying around he turned his head in the direction of where he heard it the loudest.

"Over there!" He exclaimed and made a break for that direction. A giant smile made his way on his face and he grew excited, maybe he'll find his soulmate today. If not we'll that would be the same disappointment all over again. You see he's been on the hunt for his soulmate ever since he began hearing music even though there wasn't any playing. Sure at first he didn't like the music he heard, he was use to more of an instrumental kind of songs but eventually it grew on him.

At first he thought it was just his imagination, that it was just his wishful thinking that made him think there was music playing. He was alone the first few times he heard the music but then one time when he was with Toothiana he heard it again. He mention it to her but when she said she didn't hear anything he knew it wasn't just his imagination.

He told the other guardians and they were just as excited as he was, Toothiana more than the rest. She offered to help him search for his soulmate while the others were still pondering if they should get involved. They went off the search and told the others if they changed their minds they'll be flying over (country). And now they were following him around to see if he could find them.

"Toothiana! What time is it?" He asked as he slowly heard the music get louder.

"Um," her eyes darted to one of the lamp posts, this one had a clock attached to it. "8:46!"

"We gotta hurry! The music always stops at 9!" He shouted and tried to fly faster. By now the music had gotten pretty clear and he grew excited. Scanning houses he looked through the windows to see if he could spot anyone listening to music.

"Ey mate," said a voice with an Australian accent. "Found your mate yet?"

"Not yet, but they're close. I can hear it," he said as he looked through one d the windows nearby. A blond girl with a brightly colored pink walls and a princess themed room was on their computer. They had what appeared to be headphones on, which covered up some of their caked face. Jack feared that was his soulmate but let out a sigh when he saw that they weren't listening to music but chatting with friends instead. "Not this house,"

"Let us help Jack! We find soulmate, and done!" Intruded a Russian accent, Santa Clause. He let out a laugh as the Sandman appeared behind him. "Sandy will help out also!"

"Alright let's go!" Jack laughed and looked through another window.

"Ey, wouldn't it be a good idea to tell us what to listen for?" Bunnymund asked as he looked at a group of teens on the streets.

"Right, it's kinda goes like this-" he sang a bit of it or at least what he could get from it.

"Crikey, that's what kids these days listen to?" He judged as he dismissed the group below seeing that they weren't listening to music.

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