[BNHA] Izuku Midoriya x Reader Boo!

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Izuku Midoriya x Gender Neutral! Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral / Quirk: Ghost, can phase through walls, become invisible, and levitate objects. The temperature around you can drop. Down side; sunlight makes you somewhat visible, and it makes you really tired and hungry.
Other: somewhere before the sports festival (I was barely on season two when I wrote this)
Warning: Fluff levels rising steadily


"Ah geez..."

Izuku muttered to himself as he struggled to find his notes. As of late, he's been staying after school to try and catch up on his studies. (Specifically focusing on his mathematics homework and extra strategy analysis for his own notebook). Normally he would of gone home rather than stay at school but knowing him -he sighed as he grabbed his eraser, erasing the mistakes off his homework- instead of studying he would of ended up watching All Might's rescue videos.

He scratched his head.
Maybe he could as Iian-san for help? Or maybe Todoroki-san instead (he is one of the top three of the class)?
Speaking of Iian... where was he? Izuku looked around the classroom, catching a glimpse of the slowly, setting sun through the hall's windows outside. The once full classroom was now empty leaving him to figure out the problems on his own... again.

"They all must of left a while ago..." Izuku muttered to himself. He looked back down to his homework, a pit of dread had settled in his stomach. He must of ended up muttering to himself again and scared them all away. He chuckled awkwardly to the side, he did have a tendency to do that quite often.

"I guess I'm on my own today..." he said to himself. With a small sigh he allowed himself to return to his worksheets. He lightly tapped the end of his mechanical pencil to his bottom lip, deep in concentration like usual.

"Let's see..."
Wh... when did math get so hard?
Izuku was visibly sweating at this point, only half way through his math homework and still struggling. He looked out the doorway and into the halls of the school, the sun was definitely gonna set in a hour or so if he didn't hurry up.

"This is too hard!" Izuku yelled in frustration as he aggressively rubbed his head. He pouted, slightly glaring at the worksheet in front of him.
Too bad One for All doesn't have a intelligence property...

Izuku sighed as he began to gather his papers, ready to pack for the day and continue his work at home. A chill had rushed up his back, making him nearly drop his pencil case in the process. He felt his blood run cold, he felt as if he wasn't able to move his body.

I... I can't move... -he tried to clench his fists but it only seemed to shake slightly- my body... it's freezing..!

At this moment, Izuku's mind was running wild with explanations and solutions to his current situation. Could it be the League of Villains? Are they trying to pull another attack? But it wasn't that long ago since the last attack, was it? It's been a month or so ago since they're last appearance, still he had no idea of what their plans were other than killing All Might (the thought making him uneasy). Or perhaps it was a rookie criminal looking for a way to make the limelight- but to attack a school full of pro heroes was completely insane and incredibly stupid. Would a rookie criminal really go as far to do that? Maybe it wasn't a rookie, but a pro villain instead- like the so called Hero Killer he's been hearing about in the news as of late. If someone like that was on campus then he had to leave and evacuate everyone.
Izuku swallows back his fears.
The reason isn't as important at the moment (and the possibility that it isn't anything bad still stood), what he needs to know is how to get out in one piece and without damaging the school's property. Using One for All was out of the question seeing how he can barely control it and the amount of collateral damage it could cause was definitely too risky. But if it came down to the wire he might not have a choice...

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