[PDH] Daniel X Reader Kitty Gots Claws

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Daniel X Reader
Requested by @Unicorny101
Reader: Meif'wa (Cat person)
Other: reader standing up for bullying cuz bullying is bad
Warnings: Daniel being sad and then cute so FEELS

3rd P.O.V.

"There they go again," you hissed, your tail swishing back and forth in a angry manner. "Can't they pick on someone else for a change?"

You winced as you saw four larger werewolves beat up three smaller werewolves, they were tying to put up a fight but were failing miserably. Two of them were trying to protect a smaller werewolf who started crying somewhere between the start of the fight and now. A girl with purple hair was pathetically throwing punches at a taller werewolf who didn't even flinch. That werewolf pushed her down, the crying werewolf started to cry harder as he tried to stop the fighting only to be punched in the stomach. The other werewolf was keeping his ground with a werewolf until another one showed up and began beating him down too. You gripped your phone in an angry manner, your ears were pressed to the back of your head and your tail was fizzing up.

You wanted to help them, you really did, but what could a Meif'wa do against four werewolves? Besides, fighting was a normal thing in werewolf culture so this is alright, right?

"Stop! Please stop!"

You heard the crying werewolf wail as his two friends where shoved aside. Both whimpered like pups as they tried to stand up once more. They looked horrible, they were bruised badly one even had a black eye but neither were bleeding thankfully. The four larger werewolves began to beat up the crying wolf.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" You whisper to yourself. Your eyes landed on your phone, an idea formed.

Patience is wearing thin.

"Come on! Give us a little more of a fight," one of the larger werewolves spat. "I'm actually starting to feel bad about this"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the crying werewolf wailed. That got him another punch in the stomach.

Tail is standing straight.

"Leave Daniel alone! You already picked on him enough for today!" The female werewolf wailed. She whimpered when one of the older werewolves sat on her back, effectively pinning her in place.

"Dottie! Leave us alone! You're going to far now!" The male werewolf cried. He got a foot to his back.

Claws are retracting.

They were both down and defenseless. They couldn't move, all they could do is watch as their friend kept getting beaten over and over again.

"Rylan! Dottie! Make it stop! Make it stop!" Daniel cried. He had curled up in a ball, trying to minimize the damage from the other werewolves.

Teeth are baring.

"Awwwe, does the little pup need his friends to defend him?" A werewolf teased.

"Come on! Fight back! Ein said this would be fun!" Another one whined. "It's no fun! This like just punching a punching bad!"

Patience is gone.

"Hey! You four! Leave those werewolves alone!" You hissed. The four larger werewolves stopped mid actions to look at you. Something in their eyes told you that you looked pretty scary seeing as how they just stared at you. Your hair was standing on its end, your ears where pressed to the back of your head, and your tail was standing straight. Your claws were out and you have a nasty snarl showing off you sharp teeth.

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