[Minecraft Diaries] Zane X Reader Thief Pt.2

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Zane X Reader
Requested by @princessCharaUT
Reader: Gender neutral! Thief and magiks users
Other: sassy reader
Warnings: seductive reader making Zane flustered, oh there's like a make out scene towards that end--

3rd P.O.V.

"Goodness! Where ever did you find these gems?" Explained the client as he ran his fingers through the bag of jewels you had stolen a few weeks ago.

Currently you were in the region of Tu'la trying to sell off the Ro'Meave's family jewels. After awhile you had managed to find a promising buyer, an man in his early 40's. He seemed to be part of a rich family, that would explain the two guards around him.

"I know some people around the regions," you lied, they didn't bat an eye at your words. "Now, will you buy them?"

"Yes! Yes, of course," they smiled greedily. In a flash they dropped a bigger bag of golden coins on your side of the table. Your eyes widen, you weren't expecting this much for the jewels. "I'd think this be enough"

"More than enough," you said and stood up from your chair. Grabbing the bag with one hand you pulled your scarf up. "Pleasure making business with you"

"I could say the same thing," the man laugh and handed his new jewels to one of his guards. "Do come by again with you have new jewels. I'll make sure to give you the highest price for them"

You nodded. Smiling from underneath your scarf you thought, I just found myself a promising client. You walked around the town, the new sights and cultural experiences keeping your mind busy. You stuck close to the buildings, staying underneath the protection of the shadows. You may be in a different region but that doesn't mean your off the hook.

You grimaced as you remembered hearing about a thief that managed to steal the Ro'Meave's family jewels and how they were wanted. Apparently there was a high price for them, and they wanted them alive. Shivering you thought of all the possible forms of torture the prince had planned for you. Then again maybe he planned to squeeze out all your valuable information from you mind. After all you did give him information as to were his dear brother was. Maybe he'd spare your life and offer you a job as an undercover agent for his benefit. You thought about that possibility, it didn't sound too bad. As long as you were payed well you wouldn't mind giving some information to that greedy prince.

You blinked.

Oh right, you'd probably be dead if you ever found him. You did kiss the Prince of O'Khasis after all. And bite him. Damn. Good thing that he wasn't anywhere in Tu'la, you'd probably be chased for all eternity if he ever found you hiding here. Not to mention how he'd probably want his family's jewels back.

Suddenly you were pulled into an alleyway and held against the cold, bricked wall. A finger was placed against your lips followed by a quiet "shhhh...". You swallowed, oh Irene. They grabbed your wrist and led you further into the alley way. Your free hand subconsciously grasped onto your whip that was wrapped around your waist. Your eyes glowed slightly before returning to their original state.

They stopped and turned to look at you. The shadows concealed their features making it hard to identify them.

"I believe you have something of mine," the person said as they unsheathed their sword, holding it towards your figure.

"And what might that be? I've taken lots of things," you smirked. "I can't keep track of everything I take"

They growled and shoved you to the wall, they held their sword against your neck. The cold blade felt uncomfortable against your covered neck. Your scarf providing little protection.

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