[Creepypasta] BEN DROWNED X Reader Unique

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Requested by @QueenRoleplay
Reader: Female / has six fingers on each hand
Other: Ben is a flirt
Warning: Ben's horrible flirting skills

3rd P.O.V.

Numbly you stared at your hand as you sat on your desk. You grimaced at the extra appendages that made you stand out from the rest of people. You moved each finger on its own.







Six fingers on each hand. This was something you found cool at first, when you were young. When you hadn't been exposed to the cruel people in the world who thought differently. Now, you no longer found it cool. It made you different, it made you a fr-

"Hey (Y/N)~" a low voice whispered in your ear.

"What the heck?!" You screeched as your arms flailed. You clutched your shirt in fear as you tried to regain your lost breath. Your eyes landed on a blond teen, one who strongly resembled a certain video game character. He clutched onto his stomach as he let out howls of laughter at your reaction. "Ben?! The heck man!"

"Y-you should of seen your face! It was priceless!" He gasped. He curled up in a ball as he tried his best to regain his composure.

"Geez Ben, I doubt it was that funny," you muttered. You nervously played with your hands trying not show how you embarrassed you were.

"Aww, come on (Y/N). I was joking. It was just a joke," Ben whined as he floated over your desk trying to get a look at your face. You looked away, refusing to meet his eye contact. From the corner of your eye you saw his eyes land on your hands. Immediately you pulled them under the desk, away from his view. A frown formed on his face.

"(Y/N)... You don't need to feel ashamed around me, I've told you that so many time before," he spoke softly. You felt his hand touch your arm and pull your arm up, slowly bringing your hands into view. You had them balled up in a fist.

"Hmm..," you hummed anxiously. You felt his hands pry open your closed fist. You didn't stop him.

You turned to look at him and saw him string at your now open hand. He brought your hand to his mouth before placing a kiss on your palm. Your face burned red and you ripped your hand out of his grasp.

"Ben?!" You shrieked. You face was red and you clutched your hand close to your frame. Ben laughed as he hugged your frame. You struggled under his grasp. Ben was laughing as you shouted at him to let you go. "Ben let me go!"

You caught a glance at his expression and your blood ran cold as you saw how serious he was. Your eyes followed to where he was looking at.

It was your phone.

More importantly it was open to (social media) where you had received a new message. It was the same jerk that liked to make you feel worthless and odd just because of your hands.

"H-hey... Ben..?" You whispered out.

"I'll kill them," he said abruptly as he tore himself from your frame and press his hand to the screen. In a literal flash, he was gone. You sighed and held yourself tighter as you thought of what Ben could be planning to do to them.

He might make their death quick- no actually. He'll driven them insane and then kill them. You let out a shaky sigh as the thought of your friend killing others flashed through your mind. You shivered and tried to dismiss the thoughts. He'll be back, at some point.

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