[ROTG] Pitch Black X Reader Naive

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Pitch Black X Reader
Requested by @cinnamocha
Reader: gender neutral
Other: Solar Eclipse (I saw it and it was nIOCE)
Warnings: idk


You giddily kicked your feet as you looked through your camera roll for all the pictures you had managed to take for the solar eclipse. Some came out looking nice, like the few that you managed to take through the eclipse glasses. But some just looked like you had taken a picture of the sun, pretty still but not what you hoped for. You had selected a few that seemed very nice to you and put them in a special folder in your phone labeled "Solar Eclipse". Not the most creative name but that wasn't really important at the moment. A shiver went down your spine as the shadows in your room seem to grow longer. You looked out your window and saw how the sun was setting, the logical explanation to the growing shadows, but you knew better.

He was always one for making a grand entrance.

Setting your phone aside you walk over to your window and close the curtains shut. You room got significantly darker but the shadows continued to grow longer and darker. The atmosphere seemed to get thicker and the eerie silence would of sent anyone on edge yet you stayed perfectly unfazed. In fact you seemed to grow impatient.

"Geez, I know your the Nightmare King and all but could you stop trying to scare me? I think we've established that it's not going to work," you sighed. From underneath your bed a figure emerged and golden eyes pierced your own (E/C) ones. A deep chuckle echoed through your room and you just sighed once more.

"You can't blame me for trying now, can you?" The figure chuckled before it stepped forward and revealing itself to you. You cracked a smile and plopped yourself on your bed besides the figure.

"Guess not," you mumbled before grabbing you phone and looking at the dark figure. "So, you want to look at the solar eclipse or nah?"

"Of course," it said as say besides you. You smiled at you showed the Nightmare King himself pictures of the sun, something he'd actively avoiding by nature. Pitch Black, one of the oldest spirits in the world, have never seen the sun. Why? Well, it was because he'd had nowhere to hide then. He was a the king of fear after all, darkness was pretty much his thing. His eyes, usually so seeming dark and emotionless seemed to hold some kind of spark when he looked at the bright pictures. He almost looked non threatening, if you ignored his gray skin and gothic look that was. "So you're telling me that the moon will come and cover up the sun once every couple decades?"

"Yeah, it's a rare sight. Very pretty, luckily I managed to sneak out of my class and get these pictures. My teacher didn't want us to see it," you muttered slightly. Pitch frowned at that last comment.

"Why are there some humans that would pass up on such an amazing opportunity like this?" He asked himself more than you. You shrugged and continued to scroll through the album. After awhile he spoke again. "If I had know this is what happened during an eclipse I would taken out those guardians a long time ago"

And there he goes, rambling about all his plans about getting rid of the guardians. Yet, none of them seemed to work. You would never tell him, but you were kinda glad they didn't work. That meant, as selfish as it sounded, you'd get to be with him longer. You enjoyed Pitch's company, his rambles were entertaining to see. The way he get excited and riled up was pretty cute, in a way. And when he'd catch himself he would act like he hadn't lost his cool, and go back to being the cool villain that he was. You smiled at his childish act, he was like an excited fanboy. A closeted fanboy. You snickered at the thought of Pitch squealing, wishful thinking was fun.

"And why are you laughing?" His deep voice broke you from your thoughts. You shook your head and shrugged, signifying that it wasn't important.

"Nothing, just thinking," you waved it off. This perked his interest, his eyebrow rose with curiosity.

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