[PDH] Ein X Reader I'm Your Date? (Pt.1)

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Ein X Reader
Reader: Female
Other: All the girls have numbers, and their numbers are put in a box where the guys draw out one of numbers and then has to ask that girl out for prom.
Warnings: badass reader that needs no knight to fight her battles

Your P.O.V.

"This is so sexist I swear," you grumbled as you wrote your school ID number on a piece of paper. What has this school come to? First all the schedule changes and now this. Grumbling to yourself you dragged your feet over to the black decorated box with the words "prom" written on it. You stuffed your paper inside, crumbling it in the process and walked back to your seat in the cafeteria.

You watched the other girls in your grade excitedly toss their papers in as they wondered who they'll get. Confused? You probably are so let me tell you what's going on.

The school has decide to try this thing out where all the girls in your school would write their ID number on a paper and put it in a box. Doesn't sound so bad right? Wrong. The guys in your school would then go to that very box and pull out a number, and you guessed it. They'd have to take you to prom. The school thought it'd be a great way to make all those who can't get a date, go to prom. Unless you and whoever got you didn't want to go, you didn't have to.

Going on your phone, the time flew by and it was time for the boys to come in and chose a paper. The girls all sat at one side of the gym, anxiously waiting for their paper to be chosen. In front beside the box was a projector, it was for the boys to show the paper they got that way they couldn't switch papers and hurt the girl's feelings. First came a boy orange hair and nerdy glasses. He stumbled a bit as he neared the box, and with a sigh he pulled out a paper.

You held your breath, silently hoping it wasn't your paper. The boy opened the paper and let out the biggest smile you've ever saw. Placing the piece of paper on the projector it was revealed that he got a girl named Sasha. You saw a silvered haired girl walk up to the front and walk past the boy to the tables on the other side of the gym. The boy followed her and sat besides her on one of the tables.

This process continued and you were starting to get very bored at the repetition task. You saw girls be over joyed, be heartbroken, or act as if they could care less. Your head moved seeing the boys walking up, pick a card, and leave with the girl they got. The boredom got very unbearable to the point you've begun to fall sleep, your head dipping down. Maybe if you fell asleep you wouldn't have to know who got you-

"Um, (Y/N)?" A chorus of whispers ran throughout the gym. Looking up you saw a werewolf with blue ears and tail looking around the gym nervously. He was trying to spot you. Sighing you got up from your seat and dragged yourself over to where the boy was. Once you were facing the boy he looked at you curiously as the whispers increased around you. Seeing him shift uncomfortably you did the only reasonable thing to make him feel better. You got the attention off of him in the most civilized manner.

"OKAY I GET IT. HE'S A WEREWOLF AND I'M A HUMAN. NO NEED TO 'WHISPER' AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS. GEEZ WHAT ARE YOU ALL? KINDERGARTENERS? GROW UP A LITTLE," you barked effectively shutting up the whole gym and earning you warning glares from the teachers. Turning on your heel you grabbed his arm and lead him to the tables where the paired up couples where. Sitting all the way in the back, you glared at anyone who looked at you. Everything else continued on fine, that was until you heard the werewolf speak up again.

"Um, h-hi. I'm Ein," he said as he wiped his sweaty hand on his pants before extending out towards you. Pretending you didn't see that, you shook his hand.

"I'm (Y/N)," you replied shortly and looked back in the front of the gym. You could see him look at you from the coroner of your eye, he looked as if he was thinking of what to say. His ears where pressed to the back of his head and his tail drooped down on the ground. Seeing that he couldn't come up with anything to say you spoke up, " Say, were did you get those piercings at? They look pretty sick,"

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