[YouTubers] Shred Squad X Reader Halloween Mothertruckers Pt. 1

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Shred Squad X Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral / Mer-(man/maid)
Other: My Roommates Are Killers! AU!!! Before they became normal people that is.
Part 2 coming soon lmao
Warnings: idk???


"So..," Cory started before taking in what he saw. "You're all... Some kind of monsters?"

"Yes. Exactly," Nick saw as he looked over at Cory with blood red eyes. He adjusted the outfit he wore, before licking his lips, his pointed teeth showing. He could smell Cory's blood but he knew better than to give into his primitive urges. "Anything else you'd like us to clarify?"

"What else is there to explain here Nick? I think we're pretty self explanatory," Tommy huffed as he wiped off the blood from his chainsaw. He let out a curse word as his stitching came undone making one of the wounds on his arm bleed out onto the floor. It hung loosely from the bone. "Not again!"

"Come one Tommy. Let's get you stitched up again," Ashlie sighed as she used her ghostly magic to hold up Tommy's arm. She moved her hair out of her face as her spirit floated silently down the hall, an eerie glow pulsating from her form. Cory held himself in fear as they disappeared into the halls of the cursed house.

"Don't know about you guys but I'm hungry. Hey Cory! Do you want another meatloaf?" Jon chirped as his clown makeup added to his terror. Jon held up an arm and waved it in front of Cory as if to tempt him in some way. Cory gagged as he covered his nose to prevent him from smelling the decaying limb. Cory shook his head and Jon shrugged before waltzing his way to the kitchen. "Suit yourself. But remember, your always welcomed to have some if you change your mind!"

"Right..," Cory muttered as Jon exited to the kitchen. He felt bile rise up his throat as he choked it back down. He felt as nudge at his hand and looked down to a large werewolf stare at him with concern. "Oh! Hey... Uni..."

Uni's tail wagged as he managed to grab Cory's attention. His tuff of blue hair bouncing as he jumped on top of Cory in excitement. Cory let out a scream as he was tackled onto the hard ground. Uni laid onto of Cory as his tail wagged, Cory just let out grunts as he tried to pry him off of himself.

"... Uni..." A voice whimpered through out the house. It soft yet horse as if the person was having a bit of trouble breathing. It was a calm voice yet it was almost saddening. As if the voice was in pain, maybe not physical but it was evident that they were in some kind of pain. The voice calling again. Uni instantly perked up, his ears turning every which way as if listening from were the noise was coming from. "... Uni..."

Uni barked before jumping off of Cory and prancing his way down a hall. Cory coughed as he tried to regain his lost breath, Nick merely laughed at him. Cory glared at him but stopped when the voice came back around, beckoning Uni.

"W... Who's that?" He asked, his voice wavering slightly. He wasn't aware of another person living here, we're they a monster too? Nick sighed as he walked his way to the kitchen door before calling for Jon, completely ignoring Cory.

"Hey Jon, do you have any fish in here?" Nick asked as he stepped into the kitchen, the smell of blood pleasing to him. Jon stopped mid chop and turned to look at Nick.

"Fish? I think theres some in the sink..," Jon mumbled as he continued chopping the limb. Nick hummed a response as he looked over at the sink and smiled as he saw a bag of fish laid in there.

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