[Rise of the Guardians] Jack Frost X Reader A Good Thing?

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Jack Frost X Reader
Reader: Female
Other: oh yeah, reader is also a fanfic writer. (Ijustwantedamomentwithmyboiokay) and I'm writing some of my own head cannons for him in this also.
Warnings: fluff!!!!!!

3rd P.O.V.

If you had asked Jack what he'd think would happen today, he definitely would of never thought of this. He would of probably said something like, you two would go stand in front of the freeze to try to cool off. Or that you'd watch another movie to help with the boredom. Or maybe he'd tried to convince you to come out of your room for once. You know, anything other than what was happening right this moment. Currently you were siting in front of the winter spirit and you were kissing him. Why? Well, he wasn't so sure either. All he knows is that you walked over to him, muttering to yourself, before sitting down on the bed and kissed him.

Jack's mind was entirely blank. He didn't know what to do. Sure he liked you, but he wasn't expecting you to make the first move. Was this even considered a move? You had done multiple other things that were, in short, questionable. Like you'd randomly hugged him, claiming that it was to hot in your room and you needed to cool down. Or how you'd start playing with his hair when you both were watching a movie. It was nice, he will admit that, but it was confusing to say the least.

He didn't think you'd see him in that kind of way. Maybe you didn't and you were just doing another crazy thing like usual. The majority of those crazy things were very touchy, in a way. Like he remembers how you asked him to hug you tightly, "in a loving manner" one day. Sure it was easy for him to do that, seeing how he already loved you. But such an odd request and so randomly? When he had asked you why, you replied with, "It's for my fanfiction,"

Ah, yes. Your "fanfictions" as you'd call them. You gave him the jist of them already, he remembers you saying something like, "basically they're stories involving characters that already exist. You can either make two of those characters fall in love with each other or you can insert the reader into the story"

When he asked what you meant by inserting the reader you just confused him even further. "You kinda write the story as if the reader, aka you, were in it. So instead of putting an actual name you put something like (Y/N) or ____"

What did you do in your free time? It sounds very complicated, well at least not as complicated as you kissing him out of the blue but it was a close second.

Jack blinked in confusion. He saw how your face was bright red and how you had your eyes squeezed shut. So you were nervous. He shifted in his sport and heard you let out a small whimper. He felt your lips leave his own. Wait, what. He didn't want the kiss to end, he was just trying to get comfortable. Immediately his hands reached for the hand of your head and pulled you back.

He was kissing back. His own eyes shut tight as well as he felt you grow tense under his touch. Without hesitation you kissed back. A sweet, gentle kiss. That's all it was. But it was great, both of you felt each other's love through that kiss. The passion for each other, the love for one another and how you would never want it to end. How much you care for one another and how you just wanted to make each other happy no matter what. As soon as it started, it was over.

Both of you parted, foreheads now touching as Jack gazed at your face lovingly. You on the other hand, were looking down avoiding his gaze. Your heart was stilling beating fast, you felt your whole face turn red and the butterflies in your stomach wouldn't stop fluttering. But, it all felt good.

Jack, getting impatient, hooked his fingers underneath your chin and titled your head up. He could now see why you were hiding, you looked like a tomato. He smiled tenderly and tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear now allowing him to see your whole face. He ran his thumb over your cheek, and then again over your lips. They still tingled with the feeling of the kiss still linger on it.

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