[Minecraft Dairies] Gene x Reader P.2 The Lord's Daughter

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Gene X Reader
Reader: female (add 31 years to your current age)
Other: Season 3 of MCD, part 2 of The Lord's Daughter
Warnings: Yandere!Gene, feels?
Requested by @Dark_Blue_Queen

3rd P.O.V.

"Are you sure about this? It might be too much for you, you aren't as... Young as you use to be," Aphmau asked as she packed her bag with a few supplies and made her way outside you following closely behind.

"Don't worry about it, I can handle this! Besides, I can still spar with Garroth no problem," you said as you wrapped your whip around Zane and pulled him along.

"She'll be fine Aphmau," Garroth reassured her. Aphmau gave you an uneasy smile before sighing.

"Alright, let's go," Aphmau said as she grabbed her sword and made her way to the entrance of the nether portal. Katelyn grabbed her iron claws and followed along with Garroth who grabbed his own sword.

"Right," you said as you tightened your whip around Zane who growled in annoyance.

Upon entering the purple glowing portal you stated feeling very uneasy, almost queasy. You looked around and felt Zane struggle a bit in your grasp.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?" You growled as you painfully tighten the whip around him.

"Ow! Well how do you expect me to show you where Shad is if I can't move- OW! STOP THAT!" He snapped as you loosed the whip a bit.

"Let him go," Aphmau said as she readied her sword.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, and if he tries anything-" You saw Katelyn smash her first into her hand as a warning. "Katelyn can teach him a lesson,"

You giggled and let him loose and watched as Zane held his middle and glared at you. Zane began to walk further into the nether as everyone else followed closely behind him. The feeling only got worse as you scanned the netherworld around you, it was burning in there. You passed by a weird structure, it almost looked like some sort of building with torn up flags hanging from it. Pain went up your skull as it look strangely familiar to the one in your past nightmares. You see, you've begun to get horrible nightmares as of late, at first you thought nothing of them but when they wouldn't go away you began to worry.

They started of in what you could now confirm was the nether,you were walking around. It was uncomfortably hot and odd structures were everywhere, many of which you were now passing by. In the nightmares you continued to walk until you were sprinting away from something. You remember hearing a sickeningly sweet voice call after you as you refused to turn around. You involuntarily shivered as you approached another building, except this one looked new. And what made it worse was that it looked a lot like the one from nightmares where whatever was calling after you caught you. If this is anything like your nightmares you could be in serious trouble.

"We're here," Zane said as he approached the building."Keep low,"

You stayed a bit behind the rest as the others talked. You took note of all the Shadow Knights and sighed in relief as you spotted Laurence on top.

Your heart was pounding, those nightmares couldn't possibly be real. Right? And that voice, that sickeningly sweet, twisted voice, it felt so familiar. You'd think you'd remember a voice like that. Suddenly you see Laurence throw Garroth down underneath the bridge. Panic seized you and you looked over the edge trying to sport your friend.

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