[Teen Titans] M!Raven X Reader Bewitched

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Make! Raven X Reader
Reader: female and a witch, specialized in potion making
Other: I saw a whole bunch of genderbent Teen Titans comic and they were the best thing ever.
Raven - Revan
Kor - Starfire
Beast Girl - Beast Boy
Cyber - Cyborg
Robyn - Robin
( carrinth.deviantart.com/gallery/3665494/TTGB )(more on these gender bent cuties, not my idea)
Warnings: mysterious and handsome Revan ~ (mytype-) also flustered AF

3rd P.O.V.

It was all silent on the roof top of the Teen Titans tower, the breeze slowly moving Revan's cape back and forth. He was meditating, something he did every morning without a fail. He did it in order to help him through the day, but lately he hasn't been doing it as often. He didn't feel the need to do it, sure the Titans were a bit... Annoying but that wasn't affecting him as much anymore. Maybe he was finally getting use to all their shangins?


No matter how long he stays with them he will never get use to all there "moments". One thing's for sure, he will never get use to Kor's odd alien life and traditions, or Beast Girl's dumb ideas, or Cyber's wild imagination, or Robyn's terrifying glare of disappointment. There is no way anyone would get use to them, they were just too much to handle.

Well, okay not all of them.

There was a new Titan that joined a couple of months back, five months ago to be exact. Their name, (Y/N). She was a witch, she worked mainly on potions and rarely touched on the actual usage of magic. She have very little to begin with, but just enough to be able to make potions. She had joined the Teen Titans after she managed to save them multiple times.

She didn't join right away, something he found odd at first. They were the Teen Titans after all, everyone with a special ability wanted to join the Titans that saved the city countless of times. Or anyone that wanted to destroy them from the inside. He remembers how Terrance joined the team a second time just to help Slade out with getting rid of them. Setting those unwanted memories aside he began to reminisce about how (Y/N) joined the team.

After she had proven her intentions she agreed to join the team, but she asked to stay outside with nature. She managed to build a small shed outside the tower, with some help, where she always stays practicing her potion making. Something he noticed when she settled in was how plants began to grow around her area, it was once so bare that he didn't even care but once she came around that whole area bloomed with life. Flowers where scattered everywhere and there where even some saplings starting to sprout, what they were he wasn't so sure. It was always so calm around her, so serene and peaceful.

That is until she was around Beast Girl or Kor. Whenever she was around them she would be just as hyper as them. Beast Girl would convince her to help her set up for some kind of "girl's night out" plan. With Kor, she would try to explain how earth customs worked, some of which she wasn't so sure herself which led to both of them to try to figure it out, very loudly. With Cyber she had small talks and with Robyn she try her best to stay on her good side, though she would stand up to her if she had to.

She acted so differently with the Titans, it was interesting. But the way she acted around him confused him a bit. When they first met, she would always ask a lot of questions to him like, what kind of powers he had. What kind of books did he read. Or if it was true that he was the son of Satan himself. It annoyed him to no end but after awhile she dropped her questions down to one a day. Usually she'd ask him around morning, before everyone was up so that the others wouldn't hear. She, thankfully, had a sense of privacy. Something the other Titans lacked most of the time.

Speaking of (Y/N). He opened an eye to look around his surroundings, the roof top was bare and the sun was just rising. She hasn't showed up yet, that was odd. Usually she would show up and ask him a question, which she would write down on her little book with his permission of course.

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