[Minecraft Diaries] Zane x Reader Spicing Things Up

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Zane X Reader
Requested: @NikkiZGN
Reader: Immortal
Other: This will take place before season 1 of MCD.
Warnings: ehhhhh

3rd P.O.V.

"Those idiots don't know how to do anything right!" Screeched a man of raven hair. He punched a near by tree leaving a large dent in place. "How could they not find that damned relic?!"

Zane Ro'Meave. Prince of O'Khasis, second in line for the throne. But you already knew that. You knew just about everyone in O'Khasis, after all that's one of the perks of being immortal. You had all the time in the world to do what you wished. Confused? Well let's explain a bit.

Immortals are born, only very few get to be one, it's a gift some say. Others say it's a curse. Once one reaches a certain age they stop aging and just live on. But can one really can it living knowing that you would never die, no matter what? You had nothing to fear, you just continue living and living and living. You try not to get attached to anyone seeing as how they'll die someday. The only ones you could stay with are other immortals, but finding them are hard. Thankfully you had found one, and they've been with you ever since.

When you first found them they were running away from a group of people. They held a book in their arms, a book all on immortals. They had documented everything they could on immortals, and to your surprise there was a chapter. It was multiple pages long, but you knew that if anyone found the book it would end horribly for your kind.

It titled: How to Become Immortal

"Hehe, that's the fifth tree he's punched this week," your friend snickered. They were observing the prince from above the trees causally laying on one of the branches. You on the other hand where closer to the trunk of the tree, you merely sighed.

"Poor trees, what did they ever do to him?" You joked as you stretched your arms behind your head. Your scarf, that was wrapped around your neck, glided with your movements. "Well besides existing,"

"He's still trying to find Irene's relic. Too bad he doesn't know how to get there," they snickered holding the book in one of there hands. They held on to it a bit too casually for your liking.

"Hey, don't hold the book like that. What if you drop it?" You scold. "He could find it and you know how he gets with power. Do you not remember all those villages he's burned?"

"It'll be fine, besides when have I ever let this book go?" They smirked. They had a point, they never let that book go. Not even when they were asleep.

"You're going to regret those words someday," you whispered as the prince got closer to your location. You're friend kept quiet as they saw Zane kick a rock and grumble beneath his breath.

"I need to find a way to find that relic," he sat on a log. "But how? It's not like the answer will just drop on me or anything-"


"OW!" He yelled. He got up from his spot and pulled out his sword. You hid closer to the trunk and steady your breath, your friend shifted spots so the leaves hid them. You looked down at the prince, what fell on him? "What in the- a book?"

Your eyes widen and you quickly squinted at the book that the prince now held in his hands. Oh no. It was the book. You glared at your friend who looked at their now empty hands. They looked back at you with panicked eyes and they knew they had screwed up. You grabbed them by their collar and bring them close to the pint that you could see them visibly sweating. You let out a low growl before shutting up when you realized that the prince could hear you. You looked down and saw that he was skimming through the pages, he was getting dangerously close to that chapter.

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