[BNHA] Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader Open Up

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Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral / Quirkless / Energetic (Depressed)
Other: I guess Dark Shadow is part of this as well?? Low key ish??? Idk how this is going to wo rk ahh h
Warning: it involves depression, mainly my experiences with dealing with it and stuff so please read with caution


"(L/N)? Where were you?"

Asked Tokoyami, your friend. He had been looking for you for a while, seeing how you didn't show up by the entrance like usual. Having his friend, who he managed to create and maintain a routine for about year, suddenly deviate from their usual routine seemed a bit odd. Normally he wouldn't of thought much of it, and he didn't.
At least, not the first couple of times.

All of a sudden, you were coming later and later, each time you came up with a half assed excuse.
"Just had to talk to the teacher for a bit"
"I forgot something, w h o o p s"
"I lost track of time?"
"I forgot that time was a thing"

Where you tired of hanging out with him? Had you found better people to hang around with? He knew for a fact that he wasn't the most exciting person to talk to, he barely spoke to begin with, so for you to grow bored of him wasn't entirely out of the question. But then again it could be nothing...
Questions like that tormented his mind for awhile time, so he did what he thought best.
He confronted you about it of course.

"Wa... wait a second here!" You shouted, your arms flailing around. "You think I hate you?"

Tokoyami nodded despite the sinking feeling of it being true suddenly weighing him down.

"Me? Hate you?" You said once more. Tokoyami nodded, this time a bit slower. "I could never hate you. You're like, my best friend here"

"Then why have you been so distant lately?"

"Wha... what do you mean?" You asked, lightly laughing. Trying to brush the question off. "Have you been in the dark for too long? I think all that darkness is affecting your thinking-"
"I'm being serious. You've been acting strange as of late and it's begun to concern both me and Dark Shadow" Tokoyami said firmly, and as if on cue, Dark Shadow peeked our from behind Tokoyami.

"Ah... hh... well..." you stuttered.
Geez, they aren't gonna force me to open up like this... right? You clutched your hand into a tight fist, your nails digging into your palms.
You grimaced at both their stern looks and sighed. "I... don't think I'm ready to open up to you both just yet..."

"I see..." Tokoyami said. He wasn't going to lie, the fact that you weren't ready to open up to him was kinda like a blow to him. He had opened up to you about his problems, you were there for him, offering emotional support and affection. He couldn't help but feel... helpless in a sense. He just wanted to help you like you did, but he didn't want to force anything as well."Whatever it is, just remember that you can always come to us when you need to"

"Right..! I'll... I'll keep that in mind" you smiled, lightly clutching your chest. You messed up. You messed up, so badly. You saw his eyes flicker with hurt when you said you didn't want to open up to him. But you weren't ready to open up either. His words echoed in your mind 'Whatever it is, just remember that you can always come to us when you need to'.
But... it was suddenly getting easier to breath...

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