[ROTG] Sandman + Reader Lucid Dreaming

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Sandman + Reader
Reader: Insomniac / Tired / Nonbeliever / Gender Neutral
Other: People spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping, what a waste
Warnings: Lucid dreaming gone wrong! Not clickbait, sleep paralysis, platonic affection


1:35 AM

The bright red glaring of the clock seemed to taunt you, seeming to glare brighter as your mind refused to drift off to sleep. Glaring at the red lights you turned over, pulling your covers over your head to try to get rid of as much light as you could.

Sitting up suddenly you glared at the red, blinding lights of the digital clock. You flipped the clock over so the light couldn't shine on your face. With that done you tried to call back asleep but it didn't work either way.

You tried to move around until you found a comfortable spot but it felt like you bed was made up of rocks instead. You grew increasingly more annoyed with your mentality.


You remembered something that could help you.

You laid on your back and stayed still, ignoring your body's urges to move. Slowly you felt your body begun to sleep while your mind stayed awake.

Lucid dreaming.

That's what you were trying to do right now. If you couldn't rest your mind then you'll put it to work. A loophole.

Eventually your body fell asleep. There were no more urges to moves, actually you don't think you could move anymore. Eh, hopefully this doesn't become sleep paralysis instead of lucid dreaming. Now that, that would be awkward.

Wasn't there a time frame between being able to have a lucid dream and having it turn into sleep paralysis...?

Speak of the devil and he shall arrive.

Was that dark shadow always in the corner of your room?

Realizing that you had enter a state of sleep paralysis, you were now acutely aware of everything happening around you. From how many pens were scattered on your desk to the slowly approaching shadow in the corner of your room.

That's- that's not good at all..!

For some reason you wanted to make sure that what you were seeing was real. You began to try to shift your body over to get a better look. Except your body wouldn't respond to your wants. You couldn't even move a finger.

The dark shadow seemed to be slowly inching towards. Suddenly there were more shadows surrounding you. Each seeming to come from different corners of your room. Under your desk, from behind your laundry basket, and even your ceiling. They seemed to be coming from everywhere.

Wake up! Wake up! Come on move!

Regardless of your endless cries of panic your body refused to move. And from the closet the most evil aura crept out. You saw a creature coming closer to you. Gray skin, a black robe, swept back hair, and a pair of gold eyes. The eyes seemed to be staring you down, enjoying your helpless state. A large smile spread across its face. Laughter bounced off the walls, it was dark and sinister.


Nothing was working, you couldn't move and that thing was getting closer still. In a way, you supposed, you were finally going to sleep... forever.

As a gray hand reached for you there was a sudden golden light. It came from above you, lighting you the whole room. The shadows almost immediately disappeared, the light having banished them entirely. The creature in the middle coward back, using its hands to block out the blinding light.

It seemed angry but it couldn't get close enough to the light to do anything. It hissed before it turned to creep back into the closet.

"Next time... you won't be so lucky...!"

That was the only thing it seemed to say, but it wasn't directed at you. Your body stayed still as the light hovered over you. It didn't feel evil, and it didn't scare you. You relaxed almost instantly as soon as the shadow man disappeared.

The golden light stayed around you for a bit, seeming to check to make sure you were okay. You watched it move around, checking everywhere to make sure that nothing was hiding. Once it was sure nothing was in your room it approached you. You watched it as it reached a hand out and gently place it on your forehead. Almost immediately you began to feel drowsy. Your mind seem to start to go to sleep.

As you began to drift off your sight got limited until you realized that you were "back inside" your body. With your last strength you opened your mouth and tried to speak. As you fell asleep you managed to mouth,

"Thank you"


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