[Miraculous Ladybug] M!Marinette x Reader Important to Me

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Male!Marinette X Reader
AU: Genderbent
Marinette = Mario
Alex= Alya
Requested by: Zoiiicel

3rd P.O.V.

"MARIO!" Squealed a (H/C) girl as she jumped her best friend. Mario shrieked as he desperately tried to keep his footing on the snow covered ground. He held the girl in his arms as she clung on to him, she was giggling. "How was class today?" She beamed.

"W-w-well, it was-uh-nice! I mean- great! Yes great- I- uh- how about yous? I mean- your class!" Mario stuttered as he desperately looked everywhere but at the girl in his arms. Meanwhile his best friend Alex was busy snickering to himself as he recorded the whole conversation.

"Sucky!" She pouted. "I got stuck taking exam after exam!"

"That's too bad- very bad! Terrible actually- not you though! You're good! Surely Santa will get you something-" stammered Mario once again. (Y/N) just giggled as she saw her best friend try to form a sentence.

"Mario, Christmas was less than a couple of weeks ago," she said as she patted the blue haired boy. Mortified, he began to laugh as he tried his best to play it off cool.

"Yeah! Right! I meant for next time you know!"

"Right," she smirked as a honk came from behind them. It was (Y/N) guardian, they were waiting on a bicycle for two. "Hi Nana! I got to go now Mario but I'll text you later, a bientôt!"

"À bientôt, mon amour (See you tomorrow, my love) ..," he muttered the last bit to himself as he lovingly gazed at the retreating figure.

"Mon amour (my love)? Really Mario? That's the cheesiest thing I've heard all day!" Laughed Alex.

"S-shut up!"


It was still snowing in Paris. Everyone was in their homes to stay away from the blizzard starting to form outside. When not everyone...


"Watch out Chaton!"


"Thanks m'lord!"

"Grrrr! Get back here and hand over your miraculous!" Shrieked the new akuma. It was a girl with long ponytails on each side of her head. Her outfit was simple but flexible seeing as how she was able to twist and turn in all kinds of directions. She called herself Limelight. "Stop running away!"

"Sorry but I don't want to get squished today!" Shrieked Chaton as she dodged Limelight's weapon, a rather large hammer. "M'Lord! What do we do?!"

"First of all we need to find where her akuma is hidden and then we cleanse it," answered Lady Beetle. Chaton gave a quick nod as she ducked behind a car only to have it flung a crossed the now abandoned and snow covered streets.

Where could the akuma be hiding- (Y/N)?! Lady Beetle nearly choked as he saw his crush walking out of a shop right behind Limelight. (Y/N) looked up from her phone and saw the mess that laid before her and took off her (headphones/earbuds). Before either of heroes or the girl could do anything the akumatized villain turned around.

"Awww, shit-"

"My, my! Lookie at what we have here! A stray girl has lost her way and stumbled across this fight!" Limelight reeled back her hammer. "Let me help you with that!" She swung her hammer at (Y/N) who tried to move away.

"(Y/N)!!!" Screamed Lady Beetle as he launched himself in front of his crush.

Everything seemed to slowed down. Lady Beetle held his hand out as the hammer neared (Y/N). Lady Beetle wrapped his arms around the girl of gripped onto the hero desperately. He unlatched his yo-yo from his waist and swung it at pole nearby. The hammer just barely missed (Y/N) but Lady Beetle wasn't so lucky.

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