[YouTubers] Shred Squad X Reader Halloween Mothertruckers Pt. 2

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Shred Squad x Reader
Reader: Gender Neutral / Monster (Mer-person)
Other: Here, Cory turns into a zombie at night like the rest okay? Okay.
Part two kiddos
Warnings: blood and gore descriptions, cuz Cory, Nick, Jon, and reader are hungry. Tommy is a killer and Uni needs a stuff toy. Ashlie just wants to scare ppl


The decorations were in place, spider webs, blood, guts and random limbs were scattered amount the mansion. The carpet was torn up, scratch marks and tears littered every place making it seem as if someone had struggled to free themselves. Blood and organs with splattered onto the wall by the kitchen as an ominous hatching noise could be heard from the kitchen. And place glow pulsated through the long dark hallways as whispers and murmurs could be heard through every corner. From the attic on top the creaking of the floor boards could be heard over head as splats of something echoed through out the house. From below were the noises of someone readying a chainsaw, grunts could be heard as the machine refused to work. In the backyard were growls of some kind of beast, the sounds of leaves crunching could be heard around as if it was stalking. The largest room, the one that seemed out of place exposed a view so great and mesmerizing that made you want to stay and stare. A soft, husky voice echoed through the room drawing interest as a figure swam across the water. A stereotypical haunted house. What could be so bad about it? Except it's not a stereotypical haunted house. This house is the real deal... And so were the monsters that roamed in it.

"Come one, come all to the scariest haunted house you all will ever witness! Come and watch 7 horrors you've never seen before, featuring a wailing banshee!"

Cue a wailing from the inside of the mansion sending a wave of hushed whispers from amount the crowd. A crowd that had been invited or wondered into this old mansion. Flyers had been flying all over the town and rumors had started leading every brave or wandering soul to this place. Their graves.

"A cannibal manic!"

A round of crackles and cried laughs echoed from a different size of the mansion. People began muttering in fear. Perhaps this wasn't sure a good idea. After all the place was rumored to be haunted by lost souls.

"A ruthless killer!"

The sound of chainsaw echoed through the mansion as the sounds of someone screaming followed before being silenced. People were growing wary. We're the rumors true? Is that why no one bothered coming here?

"A vampire ready to suck your blood dry!"

From one of the broken windows on top a swarm of bats flew out and towards the crowd before swooping up at the last moment. People grew anxious, perhaps they should leave now...

"A beast that roams the woods around us!"

A howl echoed through the forest and snarls followed soon after. The crowd had huddled into a small circle now. What kind of souls wandered this house? Would they be merciful or would they make this place their grave? People began stepping back...

"A mystical creature that roams in the lake, ready to pull you in with its hypnotic voice"

A husky voice could be heard from behind the house, people began to feel sleepy and were over powered with the urge to follow it. The voice offered a sense of safety and security, a completely different feeling than what the house gave. Cory's voice snapped them out of the trace.

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