Chapter One-- Jacob Arrives

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(This is who I'm imagining Aspen as^^ with blue eyes)

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(This is who I'm imagining Aspen as^^ with blue eyes)

(We're using movie Enoch aka Finlay Macmillan)

(This is going to be a mix of both the books and movie and my own events)

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(This is going to be a mix of both the books and movie and my own events)

"C'mon, Enoch! Kick the ball already!" I yelled. I was outside for once, watching my best friend play soccer with the others. Enoch was like me: not very social, and he doesn't really like other people, so when he decided that he wanted to play soccer with the others, I was left with no choice but to watch.

"Shut up, Aspen, I don't see you out here" he called back, finally kicking the ball to Millard. I could tell that Millard was surprised, because before, he was looking the other way, gazing at the birds. That's right, I'm the only one who can see Millard. It's part of my peculiarity.

Millard was now trying to score a goal, and it was quite hilarious. First, he kept missing the ball, but then he hit it but ended up falling on his back. I burst out laughing, but everyone else was oblivious to what just happened. Their loss.

The sun was shining in my eyes, so I waved to Enoch, telling him that I was going to go inside the house. "I'm coming." He called, then kicked the ball into the goal and made his way to me. I smiled and opened the door, embracing the cool air like a warm hug (oh the irony).

We walked inside and looked around for Miss Peregrine.
"She's nowhere near us." Enoch whispered and we walked into the kitchen, sneaking some of the chocolate pudding we were supposed to have for desert tonight. We would be killed if she knew we did this, but being in loops for four hundred years was bound to teach me something.

We were about to go upstairs to my room to play cards when there was a knock at the door. Miss Peregrine told us to never open the door unless she is present, so we just stood there on the stairs, waiting for The Bird.

She walked into the foyer and opened the door. Emma was standing there with a very familiar boy tied up, looking scared. I gasped as I realized who it was. Dark hair and bright blue eyes--

I blacked out.

(This chapter is really short bc I have no idea how to start this. )

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