Chapter Ten-- Horace Helps My Mental State

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Enoch's POV

I did not like this.

That wight was freaky, and I saw that she had nearly fainted when she recognized it as the one that has been haunting her dreams for over four centuries. Now everyone else, me included, is stuck in the sitting area, while our ymbryne and Aspen are taken away from us. The worst part is, we can't do anything about it.

I was currently freaking out, hoping that they would both be alright. I was bouncing my leg on the ground, and anxiously messing with the limbs of my most prized toy. My mind was constantly thinking of different scenarios, different deaths that Aspen and Miss Peregrine could be put through, and it definitely didn't help when I started ripping off my doll's limbs.

I was sitting next to Horace on the couch, who was looking at me in concern and sympathy. (A/N HENOCH IS REAL) "Don't worry, I at least know that she's gonna live. I promise." I looked over at him, doubtful. "What do you know, anyway." I said, and I turned away.  He grabbed his spectacle out of his pocket and put it up to his eye, facing the wall next to us. He started projecting what looked like a vision in front of us.

I saw me and Aspen sitting in a small corridor, and we were sitting very close to each other. She had a bandage wrapped around her stomach, and I was brushing her hair out of her eyes.  We were looking at each other, and I started to lean in when the vision changed.

I blushed at the thought of me and Aspen kissing. I knew that I liked her in that way, yes but I didn't know if she liked me back. It made me feel quite uncomfortable thinking about it, so I turned my attention back to the wall.

We were walking through a forest, and there was a gunshot. We all started running, and I was pulling Aspen along. She honestly looked as if she were about to die in the spot.

Then I saw all the peculiar children sitting in the back of a wagon, laughing at a joke that someone made. Aspen was leaning against Millard, and she was laughing the loudest. She looked so tired, though.

Horace put his spectacle back into his pocket and looked at me. "At least she lived." He grumbled and turned away. What was his problem?

I heard something outside the window, so I immediately got up and ran over. I peered out of it to see the wight dragging Aspen and a boy along with Miss Peregrine. They were heading towards the beach. I tapped on the window, and the wight didn't notice, but Aspen did. She looked at me, and I could see the pain in her eyes as the ropes bore roughly into her skin.

I didn't notice I was gritting my teeth, but I stopped when she gave me a small smile, to try and tell me that she was fine. I smiled back.

Olive was now bouncing at my feet, demanding to be picked up. I complied, and Olive started waving at Aspen. The green-haired girl struggled to wave back as she was pulled farther away from the house, and soon she was out of sight.

I put Olive down and sat back on the couch, cradling my head in my hands. If Miss Peregrine was in bird form, she couldn't reset the loop. If the loop wasn't reset, it would cease to exist and hollows could enter it, and we could start aging again. I could tell that everyone was thinking along these lines too, because they all looked somewhat panicked and scared.

The door suddenly opened, and Jacob walked in with Miss Peregrine's crossbow. He looked determined.

"Guess who's got a plan guys?" He pointed to himself. "This guy. Now go, grab all the weapons you can find. We still have a few hours before the loop resets, so we might just be able to save it."

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