Chapter Nineteen-- Shadows

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Aspen's POV

All I could see were shadows. No faces, no colors, just the darks and lights moving around and forming scenes only my morbid mind could comprehend.

I don't really know what's happening right here and now, but watching the shadows dance was good enough. They ran about, each one unique, some more familiar than others. No faces, no colors, just empty silhouettes blending together all around me.

Suddenly, it was if time had been reminded on a tape. Everyone around me swirled together and disappeared, leaving me alone in an empty void of thoughts.

The empty void was abruptly lit up, showing me that it was actually a room, white walls and a roof that I could not see. The lighting was so bright; I squinted as I spun around, trying to make out any figures.

My stomach flipped, and an uneasy feeling settled inside me. I'm being watched.

I turned on my heels, and I almost had a heart attack when I came face to face with someone. The shadow was standing so close to me, my skin was tingling.

(Imagine Diana from from the movie Lights Out.
Guys that movie scared the crap out of me I wanted to die :( )

It just stood there. If I squinted hard enough, I could see tangled black hairs hanging in the way of it's black eyes. It glared at me, daring me to move.

We stood there for about a minute, just staring into each other's eyes. I started to sweat, and just looking at it made me want to throw up. Just as I was about to turn away, a black hole of sorts opened up behind it. I backed away quickly, and I stumbled when the figure grabbed my arm and pulled me into the abyss.

So this is just a filler, I wanted to write something because I hadn't for a while. I'm super busy, but I wanted to give y'all an intro to what Aspen's gonna be seeing in her vision. This is the beginning of it, and the reason why she's only seeing shadows will be revealed in the next chapter or two. While I'm here, do y'all want another AU?

Souls// Enoch O'Connor {1}•••Where stories live. Discover now