Chapter Seventeen-- Group Hug!

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I was soon pulled out of Enoch's arms and into Millard's. I hugged him back, and Horace joined in too.  Horace dragged Bronwyn in, and she grabbed the little ones and pulled them closer to her. Hugh came in and wrapped his arms around my shoulders from the backside, so now my soaking wet, shivering body was covered by a blanket of human beings.

Soon, Jacob, Emma, and even Gerard were pulled into the hug. We rearranged ourselves to make room for everyone, but I noticed that someone was still missing.

Enoch stood off to the side, glaring at everyone, especially Gerard. I smirked. "Get over here you numpty!" He sent a glare over at me, but I could tell he didn't mean it. "Don't give me that look, now c'mon. We're not gonna wait forever, y'know!"

He sighed at me and rolled his eyes very slowly, but once he was done he awkwardly joined in on our little wad of cold, shivering, some wet, some dying little humans.

His arms reached around Horace, who was hugging me from the front, and I moved my hands from around Olive to reach up and grab his cold hands.

We were all enjoying the moment, and our little huddle was swaying slightly with the cool ocean breeze. Of course, everything wasn't all that perfect.

"What about Miss Peregrine, shouldn't she be in here somewhere?" Bronwyn suggested. Everyone mumbled in agreement. So with great struggle, we managed to untangle ourselves and walk over to the pile of towels where Miss Peregrine's cage was. Enoch wrapped an arm around me, careful not to hurt my stomach, and we followed the group down the beach.

I noticed that Gerard was walking on the outside of the group, looking down at his feet and keeping to himself. So, being the cough cough naturally kind cough cough person I am, I pulled away from Enoch and walked over to the boy.

Bronwyn now opens the cage, pulling Miss Peregrine out. I didn't really want to watch her turn back, I had seen that happen so may times in the last ninety years and something about it always made me kk da queasy.  I was just about to say something to Gerard when Bronwyn called out, sounding panicked.

"Why isn't she turning back?!"

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