Chapter Eleven-- Gerard

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So I let my friend borrow my copy of the book, so I don't have it with me and none of the parts with the lighthouse happened in the movie. This chapter and the next few will be straight from my head with my own events and whatever I can remember from the book (it's been a while), because I'm adding in some other things so if it seems confusing or different, I know.

Aspen's POV

I was getting quite bored. We had been sitting beneath the lighthouse for a few hours now, and the sun had just started to set. The wight had tied us to an old metal fence and walked down the beach, looking for this boat he spoke so highly of.

I was sitting next to the boy, who I realized was not a boy, but a young man. He looked to be around twenty, and I had to admit that he was handsome. I wondered, what was his name? Where was he from? What was his peculiarity?

For the first time in hours, he looked at me and spoke. "My name's Gerard. You?" I realize that I had said my first question out loud, and I blushed a little bit.

"Aspen." He smiled. "That's a really pretty name, Aspen." I smiled back at him.

"So, why are you here?" I asked him. "I'm a time traveler. I was born in 1925 but I accidentally time traveled from my loop to 2002 and lived there until 2019 (A/N Isle-Of-The-Lost when MCR is back.... ). Then this wight came along and snatched me from my house and took me here. I've tried travelling away, but obviously, these ropes prevent the use of out peculiarities." I nodded. "They think that I could be some help to them, to help then travel to loops faster."

"What about you?" He asked.

"I was born 400 years ago, I've been living in loops my entire life." He signaled for me to carry on. "I'm a seer. The wights want to kill me so that I don't ruin their plans."

"Oh, that's nice." He said, tracing the outline of the United States in the sand we were sitting on. I heard whispering from the trees, and it sounded like Millard. I switched on my peculiarity and I could see the peculiar children sitting behind the bushes, with what looked like weapons in their hands.

I smiled, but it didn't last long. The wight came back and he must have felt threatened on land, so he dragged us up the lighthouse. I tried to keep up his pace, but sitting in the sun for hours straight took it's toll. I stumbled up the stairs, causing Gerard to grab my hands and pull me up with him.

Once we reached the top of the lighthouse, the wight tied us to the railing. I sat down, a major headache plaguing my mind. I could see some people wading through the water toward the lighthouse, it looked to be Bronwyn, along with Millard, Jacob, and Emma. Enoch was on the shore, creeping along the trees towards the lighthouse entrance.

I cradled my head in my hands. They're going to get themselves killed.

The wight must have seen them, so he pulled out his rifle, aimed towards the water, and shot.

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