Chapter Four-- Breakfast

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I slowly opened my eyes. The sun was pouring through the curtains, and I felt an arm around my waist. I knew it was Enoch, this was often how I would wake up after having a nightmare. The side of my face hurt very badly, I hope that bruise didn't stay long.

I didn't want to wake Enoch up, so I laid there, trying not to think about my nightmare. If Jacob stayed in the loop, none of this will happen. We would (hopefully) all survive, and the loop untouched.

Enoch shifted in his sleep, and he pulled me closer, hugging me tightly. I loved his hugs, they were very rare to most people but I get my them a lot nowadays. You would think that his hugs are stone cold and uncomfortable, but they are by far the best hugs I gotten in a while. And to think that if Jacob didn't stay in the loop, I might never get another hug from him again. Everything that had happened in my nightmare could be prevented, but I have a feeling it won't be. 

Enoch poked my cheek, and I opened my eyes. He was sitting up now, and he had a worried look on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly. I nodded. "My head hurts a little though."

He nodded. "You got yourself really beat up yesterday, a few cuts and bruises. It killed us even more to watch, do you have any idea on how we can wake you up? I hate seeing this happen and we can't do anything about it."

I sighed. "You ask me this every time, Enoch. I have absolutely no idea on how to wake up, I just do." He nodded. He looked genuinely scared for me.

The smell of waffles flooded up the stairs and into my room. Enoch and I got out of the bed and raced down the stairs, eager to eat. At the bottom of the stairs we slowed down, knowing if we ran into anyone or broke anything The Bird would have our heads.

I was walking into the dining room when I felt someone hugging my legs. Looking down, I saw that it was Claire, the precious girl was looking at me with a frown. "Are you alright, Aspen?" She asked me. I nodded "You sounded scared last night. I would've come to help you but Emma said I was too young. I'm eighty years old, and apparently I'm too young!" She whined. I giggled and picked the girl up, unable to resist her cute smile.

"I'm just glad you're alright. Your hair's too pretty to die." Claire spoke as she played with my emerald green locks, twisting them into a braid. I looked over to Enoch, who was looking annoyed with the little girl. I shook my head.

Enoch was very to himself, but when he was in the presence of others he was very rude and sarcastic, but he was just trying to get them to leave him alone. Since we came to the loop, I've made it my mission to get him some proper friends. Unfortunately, that mission was deemed impossible a long time ago.

Everyone sat down at the table, waiting for The Bird, as we went allowed to eat until everyone was presented. But as soon as she came into the room, she went up to the door and there stood Jacob, looking quite out of place in his modern day clothes. He came over and sat next to Emma, in the seat across from me. Them Miss Peregrine signalled for us to start eating, and that we did.

I was quietly devouring my pancakes when Jacob called out to me. "Aspen, why is your hair green? I didn't think they had hair dye back in you time." I grinned. "Dude," Millard said. "Your making her sound like an elderly lady!" Jacob turned slightly pink. "Sorry..." I giggled. "Don't worry about it. Back in one of my old loops, I had a friend who could turn things different colors by touching them. So one day I got bored and asked her to turn my hair green."

Jacob nodded and went back to talking with Emma. I noticed that Enoch had been quiet the whole time, so I turned to him. "Who spat in your cereal, Enoch? Usually you would be making some incredibly rude and unacceptable comments, but that's better than nothing."

He glared at me. "Okay then, go back to La La Land, but don't forget about meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I said in a singing voice and smiled widely. He cracked a small, almost nonexistent smile and went back to eating his cornflakes.

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