Chapter 20-- The Void

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I was standing alone in the void; the shadow had left a while ago. I moved my eyes around, they were starting to hurt as they desperately searched for a source of light.

"Hello?" My voice echoed through the void. I was sweating profoundly, it was hot and dark and I didn't know where I was or how I got here or what was going on at the moment. I called out again.  As soon as all was quite again my world was lit up. The same faceless figures I had saw earlier now stood in front of me, taking places as if they were about to perform a show.

There were two little girls in front if me now, grasping onto each other's arms for dear life. I watched intently as two shadows that seemed to be soldiers grab the smaller one, pulling her away from the other. Another grabbed the older one, but she smacked him, causing him
to let go and stumble back in surprise. 

The faceless girl then reached out to her friend, desperately trying to reach her. The soldier had now recovered, and he had had cornered. I watched as the void opened up behind the older one. She glanced behind her into the void, then back at the soldier. He had brought out his gun, aiming to shoot. So as he cocked it, she leaned back and fell into the void. It swallowed her up, and it was dark.

I was very confused now. Why was there no sound? Or faces, or colors, or something that could help me understand. The Void was black again, but something lit up behind me.

I whirled around to see a person running from another, their chaser had a weapon and as he caught up to the runner, they tripped and he--

Hahaha cliffhanger lol

Souls// Enoch O'Connor {1}•••Where stories live. Discover now