Chapter Eighteen-- Only The Beginning

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Enoch's POV

We all stared at Miss Peregrine. She was outside of her cage, but she wouldn't turn back. She couldn't. Millard rushed forward, picking Miss Peregrine up.

The Bird squealed, favoring one of her wings. "Miss P, can you turn back?" She squawked, clawing at his hands. Millard cried in surprise and dropped the falcon on the ground, grabbing his scratched hand in pain.

C'mon Millard. We thought you were smart.

We all kinda sat in silence for a few seconds; Millard was on the ground a few feet away from the bird, clutching his hand. Bronwyn was almost in tears, and the little ones were crowded around her legs, their puny brains still trying to comprehend what this means.

I figured that everyone else already knew.

Aspen's POV

She's stuck as a bird. No functional ymbryne, no functional loop. I knew this, my second loop was almost gone due to my ymbryne falling out of the tree, injuring her head.

I grabbed Enoch's cold, sweaty hand, scared of what will happen in the near future. I was already feeling a vision coming on. My stomach churned, my eyes lolled back in my head. I hit the ground and passed out, but not before hearing Claire talk in her small, confident voice.

"Maybe she's too tired and cold."

Gerard's POV

"Maybe she's too tired and cold." A little blonde girl said. I looked around. Everyone seemed to agree with her, maybe to get their hopes up. I just nodded along with them, keeping my eyes on the wet sand beneath my feet. If only she knew. Maybe they thought that if they went back to the loop and treated their ymbryne, everything would be alright.

Everyone started walking up the beach towards the house. A girl with wild hair and dirty skin was being pulled up the hill by a small boy with bees surrounding him. That's new.

Jacob and Emma were helping that invisible boy, and the strong young lady had two little children running around her feet. I glanced behind be to see Enoch carrying an unconscious Aspen to the house. I moved out of his way, and gave him a small smile as he passed. He glared back, tightening his grip on the green-haired girl.

The older ones all noticed the plume of smoke coming from the house, but no one dared to speak because we all knew what that meant. Even I hadn't even noticed the changeover until we saw its aftereffects rising in the gray sky before us. (Added on 12/11/16)

I was the last one on the beach. I turned my gaze up to the lighthouse where my companion lie dead. Looks like I won't be getting help anytime soon. I turned back to the house and headed up behind Enoch. I could see the two little children playing around, chasing each other through the grass like everything was going to be okay. But they were wrong. This is only the beginning.

Sorry for the long wait and the crappy chapter. I was very busy this past week, and I just wasn't paying attention to my work. My teachers gave me homework over thanksgiving break, so I haven't done any of that either. I want to know if any of you guys want a part two of the AU I did a little while ago, Fences. I don't really have anything I want to do for part two, so if you want another part please tell me anything you would be looking for in the chapter plot-wise. It would be a great help!

Thank you for reading, we're at 12k I love y'all so much!

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