Chapter Twenty-One-- Conclusions

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If ur reading this chapter when it first came out, i added on a paragraph to chapter eighteen to make more sense I suggest you read it I put added in next to it 12/11/16

"Nap time's over, Aspen."

A thick accent woke me from the void. I was no longer witnessing a murder in the dark corners of my mind, but lying on a rock on the ledge that stood over the sea.  Enoch was sitting next to my arm, patting my stomach playfully.

"Finally, took ya long enough!" He exclaimed, grabbing my arm. I blinked rapidly, trying to get used to the immense light that had flooded my eyes. I closed them again, not wanting to move.

"Five more minutes."

"NOPE!" Enoch yanked me off the rock. I landed on my back, but he grabbed my wrist right after and pulled me back up. I glared at him, but then I took notice of the solemn look on his face.

"Millard and Horace came to some conclusions while you were out the past hour, and we're burying Victor before we leave." Why would we be leaving?

"Why are we leaving? It's plenty nice here and I'm sure Miss Peregrine will be better in no time!" I exclaimed. "We don't need to bury Victor, he's fine just where he is." I stamped my foot, looking him in the eyes.

His expression stayed stony. My eyebrows furrowed. What were the conclusions? He sighed after a while. " Miss Peregrine's stuck as a bird and our loop crashed while we were on the beach and you were passed out."

I shook my head. "What do you mean, crashed?" He took a deep breath and pulled me with him. We walked towards the house, and only now did I see the smoking craters and charred bricks that littered the ground. Everyone was rushing around the somehow undamaged house, searching for things and putting them in our trunks.

"As we were walking up the beach, we saw all of this. We had been so caught up in rescuing you and Miss Peregrine that we hadn't noticed that the loop hadn't been reset until we saw the smoke. The bomb hadn't been stopped by Adam's finger, it went right through it. We're aging again, day by day."

If you having figured out, by conclusions I mean Horace and Millard's conversation in the book about how the loop won't reset and it will crash and all that fun stuff

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