Chapter Fifteen-- Drowning Is Not My Favorite Pass Time

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Yes I know that I never had Jacob kill the hollow, let's just say he did bc I'm too lazy to write that

(Bold words added on January 7, 2017)

After that little event, I was able to stand up so I made my way out to the balcony. Jacob was still fighting with the wight, who was struggling to hold onto Miss Peregrine.

I gasped as the wight pushed Jacob away from himself.
"Look! Ya see that?" He pointed out to sea as a ship rose from the water, it's loud horn blowing. "Our ride is here. They've got what they want. All I need is the girl and I'll be on my way."

"Why do you need myself and Miss Peregrine anyway?!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air. The wight smirked, and pointed at me. "We want you dead. And if you hand over the stupid bird, you won't have to live in this stupid loop anymore. Immortal life, who wouldn't want that?!" He yelled. I gasped when I realized what he was talking about.
"Not us." Jacob held up the gun and shot the wight down. I heard a squawk from down below. I ran over to the edge to see Miss Peregrine on the ship, which conveniently, was inhabited by wights.

I made a quick assessment of the water below me. There were no rocks down there, and I knew that it was deep enough to jump from here from years of swimming. Better take that chance.

I slid off my jacket and shoes. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Enoch was looking at me like I was mad.

"Saving our ymbryne." And with that, I jumped off the railing into the cold sea below.

Jacob's POV

"Saving our ymbryne." I yelled out to her as I watched Aspen jump off the balcony. Enoch was already halfway to the stairs. I grabbed Emma by the hand and pulled her with me. Bronwyn and Gerard followed soon after, but not forgetting to grab the rifle on the way.

I ran as fast as I could down the rickety wooden stairs, but Emma tripped, and it sent us tumbling into the wall. "C'mon you two, there's no time for messing around! We've gotta save our ymbryne!" Bronwyn picked us both up, slinging one over each of her shoulders as she rushed down the stairs.

Millard's POV

I watched from the beach as Aspen jumped off of the lighthouse. I knew that she had a bullet would, and the salt water wouldn't help it. I cringed as she hit the water in a perfect dive. The others cried out, and Fiona pulled the little ones close.

I noticed that she was swimming towards the ship where Miss Peregrine was being held. There was no way that she would get her back alone.

Not long after, Enoch was running along the beach towards us, and Bronwyn was not far behind, carrying Emma and Jacob. I watched as Enoch quickly stripped himself of his shoes and jacket, getting ready to go after Aspen.

"Wait, Enoch. Let me go. I can bring her back. Both of them." Emma said, resting her hand in his shoulder. Enoch relaxed a bit, but we all tensed up when a huge wave hit the boat, causing cargo, including Miss Peregrine, to fall off the boat.

Aspen's POV

I hit the water in a perfect dive. It was ice cold, and it stung my wound, but I didn't care. Miss Peregrine was the kindest, most loving, and most motherly ymbryne I had ever had. She was that not only to me, but to all of the peculiars under her care. I wasn't just going to let that go.

I propelled myself through the water, every so often stopping to take a breath. As I neared the ship, I got a queasy feeling in my stomach, as if something bad was about to happen.

I want wrong, because as soon as I reached the ship, I noticed a huge wave coming towards the boat. It was almost in slow motion as I watched the wave collide with the U-Boat, toppling cargo and The Bird into the ocean.

I was so focused on getting to the ymbryne that I didn't notice the crate falling through the air towards me. Oh was pushed underwater by it, and it took me by so much surprise that I found myself not being able to move.

I stared hopelessly at the surface of the water as the crate pushed me down, down, down, deep beneath the wreckage.

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