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Merry late Christmas people!! I had a lot Harry Potter on the brain lately so I thought this would be cool to write. I also needed something to cheer me up, I haven't been feeling good lately and it didn't help that Carrie Fisher died this morning 😭❤️

This is an AU, and I'm basing Aspen off of myself in this because I doubt she would be a Slytherin but still... without further ado, HARRY POTTER CHRISTMAS SPECIAL


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In which the peculiars attend Hogwarts along with the golden trio in their fifth year and decide to stay for Christmas...

I was woken up from my peaceful sleep with a quite rude awakening and the faint smell of Christmas trees. Pansy was shaking my shoulders violently yelling at me to get up .

"Wake up Aspen!" At this point she promptly got my arm and pulled me out of my cozy four-poster bed in the Slytherin dorm. Oomph, I let out a disturbing noise as the air is pushed out of my lungs as I land on the cold floor.

"Pansy!" I yelled as I rolled over to was that for she smirked and grab my outstretched hand helping me up. I was definitely not in the mood for this.

"You forgot again didn't you? She crossed her arms instead of me accusingly. I shook my head , squinting at her in hopes to get used to the bright light that had overtaken my sleepy eyes.

"No, I'm just not a fan of waking up before lunch." I said, rubbing my eyes. I ran my hand through my tangled emerald hair. "C'mon, maybe Draco remembered to get me a gift this year!"

Pansy actually looked excited today, so, despite whatever protest I could have spouted out at that moment, I decided to comply to her wishes. I knew that if I didn't she would never let it go.

I sighed. "Give me five minutes."

(Le time skip brought to you by Brendon Urie's forehead)

I trailed behind Pansy down the corridor leading to the common room, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Within those five minutes I managed to slip on some emerald colored jeans and a Star Wars tee shirt, and I performed a quick spell that twisted my hair into a neat bun atop my head.

Once we stepped into the common room, Pansy immediately split away from me at the sight of my friend Draco. "Merry Christmas Draco!" I waved to him as he was bounded over by Pansy, who landed in his lap and stared up at him admirably.

I shook my head and headed to the center of the room, where my boyfriend Enoch was waiting for me with a gift in his hand. "Hey Aspen." I smiled softly and nodded. "What did she do this year?"

"Pansy was actually pretty nice about it this year." I said, referring to last Christmas when she had used a spell to fling me across the room. "I only slightly injured my bottom landing on the floor." He shook his head, looking over to Draco and her. She was following him around like a lost puppy, and she laughed when he purposely tripped a first year who was walking with her friends.

"What a git!" He exclaimed, looking down at me. "I still don't understand why you're friends with him." I smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him through the growing crowd of students down to the great hall to see our friends .

Once there, I walked around the tables, searching for the familiar red hair that marked my best friend.

I found Olive (movie Olive) sitting with the Weasley family, who were no doubt waiting on us to open presents.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed, letting go of  Enoch's hand and sitting down. Fred smirked at me, and George looked around at the decorations, avoiding eye contact with both Enoch and myself.

I stared at the twins. "What did you do now?" Enoch spat at them, he had never really liked them to begin with. "Woah man," George put his hands up and innocently stared at us. "I did nothing. If anything, it was Fred."

"Hey!" Fred slapped his twin playfully on the cheek. George slapped back, and soon they were having a full on cat-fight. "Hey you two, cut it out!" Hermione, who I had just noticed, pointed her wand at the bickering twins. They were flung apart, and Fred landed on the floor.

I giggled, but Hermione stayed sirius (haha kill me now😭😭) . "No funny business, it's time to open presents!!" She exclaimed, earning a cheer from our little group.

(Le time skip brought to you by Darth Maul)

In the end, I had gotten a chocolate frog card collection from Ron, an Extendable Ear from the twins, and an emerald colored Weasley sweater. Enoch and I had yet to exchange gifts.

I turned to him, smiling. "Accio Nimbus 2002!" I cried, and his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy shop. He had broken his beloved Nimbus 2001 playing quidditch against Ravenclaw, so I knew I had to get him the new model the day it was released.

The beautiful broom flew through the air, earning an 'ooh' from the other occupants in the hall. Enoch grinned at me and caught it. "You shouldn't have, Aspen! How much did it cost?" He exclaimed excitedly.

"My dad managed to pick one up for free, his new job is working with this company. My mom was really excited for this job, muggle jobs don't pay much."  He hugged me tightly, then brought out the small package he had in his hands back in the common room. He handed it to me, and inside I found the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

 He handed it to me, and inside I found the most beautiful ring I had ever seen

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"Merry Christmas Aspen." He whispered as I slipped the ring onto my finger. I suddenly hugged him, and he pressed a soft kiss against my temple. I noticed Fred and George whispering about something, so I (unwillingly) pulled away to see what they were up to.

Everyone was staring st something above our heads, which, coincidentally, was where the twins' wands were pointed. I looked up and really, wasn't surprised. Mistletoe.

I glanced at Enoch, only to be met with his lips on mine. The feeling was as strong as ever, and I felt overjoyed that this is how our first successful Christmas ended up (he was in the hospital wing both last year and the year before). I smiled into the kiss, pulling him closer to me.

He pulled away to catch his breath and noticed everyone staring. "What are you all looking at?!" He scolded them. They looked away giggling, and he went back to kissing me. My arms were around his neck, and I knew that even Umbridge couldn't ruin this Christmas for me.

Dang it 2016 can't you be nice for once??

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