Chapter Three- Nightmares

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Enoch's POV-

I was dreaming of my life before I came to my first loop, all of my friends, my crush (A/N *GASP*), my parents when I heard a scream. I woke with a start and tumbled out of bed, running up the stairs. It seemed like I was the only one up, I was a really light sleeper. I ran down the hallway and pushed open Aspen's door.

She was on the floor, shaking. I keeled next to her, and I noticed that her eyes were black. There was no sign of a hollow around, so she must be having a vision. I jumped as she let out another scream, and a long cut appeared on her forehead, another on her neck. This was by far the worst it's gotten since we've been in this loop, it was only this bad just before the hollow attack last time.

"MISS PEREGRINE!" I yelled frantically. If she didn't wake up, she could die. Whatever it is that is hurting her in the vision could kill her easy as one, two, three. Aspen stopped moving and crying out, so I shook her some more, hoping that she wasn't dead. If she was, I didn't know what I would do.

Her eyes flew open, but they were still black. At least she was still alive. Miss Peregrine rushed into the room, followed by Emma holding a damp cloth. I picked Aspen up and set her in her bed gently, I didn't want to hurt her more.

As Miss P. cleaned the cut on her forehead, I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so strong, quiet but strong. She shouldn't have to go through this, and she thinks that she's going to get us all killed because of it. It's even worse that she's used to it.

My heart broke a little when I saw another bruise appear on her cheek. It was just so horrible. We weren't always good friends in our old loop, but I always kind of admired her for her personality. She was really sweet, but was funny and sarcastic at times. She was clumsy, but she always laughed along with the rest of us when she fell down. She was my best friend now, I would do almost anything for her, and she would do the same.

Her body relaxed and her eyes opened. They were back to the normal blue, and they were filled with tears. Miss Peregrine leaned down and hugged the girl, then kissed her forehead. Aspen whispered, "I'll tell you tomorrow." And she nodded. Then Miss Peregrine looked at me and smiled faintly. I smiled back and she left the room, leaving me and Aspen alone.

"Enoch? Is that you?" Aspen whispered. I sat down on the bed and hugged her. "Thank goodness your alive..." she started crying. "It was awful... you were there, and Millard was too..." she trailed off, her silent tears hitting my shoulder. "Everyone was dead." She whispered. "Except for me." I hugged her even more tightly.

"We're not going anywhere, and I promise we won't ever leave you."

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