(AU) Hide and Seek [Part Two]

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Here is the second part of my AU chapter! I know that HelloMyFriends334 and SmartButStupid liked Part One, so I'm writing a part two!!

I was standing in a camp. There were army men walking around, and military planes were flying in and out of the nearby hanger. I was in camouflaged army clothes, so I fit right in.

There was a man in the telephone box next to me. He looked quite familiar, like an older version of someone I knew. He dialed an extra-long number, kind of like the ones we use to contact other loops. "Emma?" He said into the phone.

"Abe!" The person on the other side yelled.

That's Abe?

My vision changed. I was now in a forest, but there were Palm trees everywhere. An old man, who I now realized was Abe, stood in front of me. He shielded himself from something that I couldn't see, unless I turned my peculiarity on.

A hollow stood in front of him, and latched one of it's tongues around Abe, and drew him closer to it's mouth. "No!" I yelled, rushing towards the hollow. I pried the tongue off of Abe, but it gave me blisters and cuts all along my hands. I pulled away in shock, and another one of it's tongues snapped back and hit me, right across the face.

Now, I was laying on the ground. A long, but not deep, cut ran across my forehead. I could hear Abe yell out, but I couldn't move. "Grandpa?!" A voice sounded through the woods. The hollowgast retreated into the shadows, leaving me on the ground next to Abe.

I could clearly see that the hollow had taken his eyes, so I stood up. I grabbed his hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. "Who's there?" Abe whispered, breathing heavily and obviously in pain.

"Aspen." I said. "Everything will be okay."

Then I heard stomping in the woods. My vision changed. I was standing in an old cathedral, where half of its room was collapsed. A group of pigeons perched on the ledge above me, watching my every move. As I walked around the damage, I came to a sight I desperately didn't need to see.

Horace was lying on the ground, blood pouring from his temple. I ran over to him, and propped him up in my lap. "Horace?" I shook him, desperate. His head lolled, and I could see his eyes gone. Dead.

I sighed, a tear dripped down my cheek. This boy was too precious, to sweet to die at the hands, well, tongues of the hollowgast. I found a piece of rubble in the shape of a heart and laid it in Horace's hands, and I left him, searching for other survivors.

I heard a scream, a yell for help. It sounded like Enoch, so I ran towards the sound, which was coming from a dark passageway on the other side of the rubble. Alarms, signaling a bombing, were blaring over speakers, but I didn't stop until I saw the dark shape above me.

A bomb was heading down, straight for me. I knew that if I tried to run away, I would still die, so I stood there, reaching out to the bomb like a warm welcoming. I accepted that in was going to die here, and in real life too.

No more Halloweens, no more friends. No more soccer with Millard, no more gossip with Horace. I would never see Enoch again.

The bomb wag getting closer, and I still stood there. I could almost feel it coming towards my fingertips, and I was ready to die.

Just as it reached my hand, a voice startled me out of my dreams.

"Aspen, I promise that if you wake up, I'll share my chocolate with you!"

Wow. Enoch never shares his candy with anyone. Ever.

I sat up, and realized that I was still under the tree with Enoch. I could barely see out of my left eye, due to the large amount of blood flowing into it. My fingertips stung, as if Emma had tried to burn them off.

Enoch was already dabbing at the cut, ruining his shirt. I pulled his hand off of my forehead and hugged him tight. I didn't want to think about what I would see if I had gone into that dark passageway in my dream.

Enoch hugged back, gently rubbing my back. The cut had stopped bleeding, so I could see normally again. The sun had started to set.

I pulled put of the hug and smiled at Enoch. "How much of your chocolate can I have? 99%?" He chuckled. "How about zero?" I pouted.

He only shook his head and helped me stand up. "Come on. We've missed dinner already, and if you want chocolate, we need to get back soon. I bet you would want to talk with Horace about your dream, anyway." I nodded.

We started walking, and I was really lazy so I jumped onto Enoch's back. He wrapped his arms around my legs, making sure that I didn't fall off. I laid my head on his shoulder, wanting to take a nap.

And I did, listening to his now rapid heartbeat.

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