So... Close...

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Hey guys, thank you so much if you have made it this far into Souls! I just wanted to pop in to give you guys some updates about stuff if you haven't already heard.

We are so close to the end, only one more chapter! The last chapter is planned to come out in around four to six days. I know you guys have already waited a very long time for it and I'm working on it, but I have other things that I'm doing too. I'm playing volleyball on the varsity and junior varsity teams at my school so the next few weeks are crazy, and I've been busing myself with watching all the old Teen Titans episodes. But I promise, the last chapter will be out, along with Q/A answers.

The sequel will be called The Void, do you like the cover so far?

The sequel will be called The Void, do you like the cover so far?

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It will be published (I hope) on the first day of February. I need a little time to get it done, but I'm workin on it.

I'm also writing a few one shots. Currently I'm working on a Luke Skywalker one shot and a Fred Weasley one shot, lemme know if you would be willing to read them :), if you want I'll post the descriptions so you can read it :)

Anyway, I'm gonna go sleep now but I hope you are all having a great 2017 so far!

Souls// Enoch O'Connor {1}•••Where stories live. Discover now