Chapter Eight-- Deal

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(Lets just say that the wight has already taken Miss Avocet)

The next few days were quite lonely. Everyone was pretty bummed that Jacob had decided to leave us. Olive stayed in her shoes, not once unbuckling them to have some fun. Emma had retreated back to her room, just as she had did when Abe had left. 

I stayed in my room, looking out the window at the ocean. It was the same as always, the same waves patterning against the same sand. I heard some ruckus downstairs, and there were feet rushing up the stairs. Horace burst into my room, panting slightly.

"I saw it too!" He panted, a painful look in his eyes. I only ever told Horace and Enoch my visions (other than The Bird), because Enoch was my best friend and Horace somewhat understood everything, as he had prophetic dreams too. I told him about my vision in the sitting room, and he hadn't reacted well to that.

He looked at me. "This must be something big, seeing as we've both seen this." I sighed. In really didn't want to be a part of any of this. Similar things had happened in all of my other loops, so I could tell this was serious. Either we live, or we die.

Enoch poked his head through my door. "Hey, The Bird wants to talk to us, I don't know why though. She told me to come get you two." I we got up, and we made out way down the stairs. Once at the bottom, we turned to see the bird, and I was just about to ask her why she wanted us when I was interrupted.

"Knock Knock...."

An oddly familiar voice called through the door, as if it was taunting us. Miss Peregrine pushed us behind her and opened the door. There stood the man in black with a cowboy hat, his gun pointed at Jacob's head.

"Ahh, Miss Peregrine. So nice to finally meet you." The wight purred. "Let. Him. Go." Miss Peregrine said, but I knew  He wouldn't give up that easily.

He looked past The Bird, towards me. "Ahh, the seer is here. So we meet again, Aspen." He hissed out my name, and he reached out to grab me. I backed away, and Enoch slapped the wight's hand away from me.

The wight shook his head. "Careful, boy. Or it may be the last time you see the pretty girl's face before I shoot you straight through the forehead." He hissed, and Enoch pushed me be hind him, backing up further.

I noticed a boy sulking behind the wight, and I immediately recognised him as the boy from my vision. He had dark hair and deep hazel eyes, and he sunk back, almost as if he was being held hostage by our guest.

"Did you not hear me? I said let him go." Miss Peregrine straightened her posture and stepped forward, looking as intimidating as ever.

The wight grinned, his eyes blank. "Lets make a deal. The boy, for you, and the seer. I'll leave, and the rest of your loop will go unharmed."

Miss Peregrine looked back at me, and I slowly nodded. If it meant that everyone else would be alright, I would do it. Enoch seized my hand, silently pleading me to stay as I stepped forward to Miss Peregrine, who turned back towards the wight.


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