FINAL CHAPTER: Goodbye Old Loop, You WereThe Best Loop Anyone Could Have

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Important!: hey guys, welcome to the final chapter of Souls! I have been reading back in MPHFPC and realized I left a bit of stuff out, so in Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen I added in some stuff, a paragraph and a sentence. I ask if you would please go back and read it, especially if you haven't read the books. The parts that I have added will be in bold, and it will tell you that I added it. 😊

Also, I know he said the last chapter would be out last week but I got sick and I'm still it over it I honestly feel like crap and I want to die but obviously that can't happen soooo... 😐


Roryroo asks: Enoch what would you do if you could live in the present?

Enoch: Aspen and I were actually talking about this the other day. She thinks I should be a forensic scientist and work at a morgue. I disagree. I think I should sleep for a living, who wouldn't want that?

KatherineHamilton014 asks: To Enoch: if you could change one thing about living in the loop what would it be?

Enoch: Honestly I never wanted to be here in the first place, but I think I would kill for some music. The only stuff we ever get here are the stupid songs that Claire and Olive make up during their games. Most people would ask for the loop to be in modern time, but I've heard that the world got pretty wacky. So music is good enough for me.


We stood there for a few more minutes. The loop had broken, and we knew there was going to be an attack. The wights knew where we were and are no doubt on their way. I briefly remember someone leading me to the water where a boat was docked. We waited for everyone else to finish up with their last tasks for about ten minutes, but all I was doing was thinking.

I have no idea why my visions went wack. Maybe I'm sick? Or maybe my peculiarity evolved a bit. I honestly don't know, but I will do all in my power not to fall asleep again. I didn't want that freaky shadow girl in my head. I didn't want to see shadows killing shadows, or the height of a murder. I just kinda wanna be normal.

I didn't realized I was lost in my thoughts until I could see the others were back, and four crappy rowboats were with them. Enoch helped me stand up, and we loaded a few trunks into the boats.

Enoch, Gerard and I shared a boat, while everyone else went to others. In the distance, I could see blimps rising through the air, no doubt filled to the brim with wights looking for us. The wound in my gut sent stinging pains through my body, nevertheless I grabbed a paddle and we rode away from the shore.

We rowed past the old lighthouse, where I could still see the wight that had haunted my past lying dead. I took a deep breath, almost excited that he would be no longer chasing me.

"Horace, are you sure you know where we're going?" Millard yelled from the boat behind us. The the boy with the top hat turned around, glaring at the invisible child. "Of course I do, what makes you think I wouldn't?"

Enoch gave him a sour look. "Maybe it because we just can't take you seriously, with all that fancy, oversized clothing you wear. You look like my old butler!" He grumbled. Horace shook it off and turned his attention back to the water in front of him.

Sooner or later we had reached farther out to sea. The only thing that was visible from our old home was the towering lighthouse, and even then we could barely see it. Claire stood up behind Millard and waved at the disappearing island.

"Goodbye old loop, you were the best anyone could have!" She started tearing up, and from that moment in I was sure our lives were about to get a whole lot more interesting.

End of Part One: Souls

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