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I am so freaking happy I'm done with this book, no joke. It really was an experience, but I enjoyed it. Now comes time for the sequel. If you read the So...Close... chapter, you would already know that it will be titled The Void. I said that it would be out the first day of February, but I'm really busy and really sick right now, so it will be pushed back for about a week or two. I just stared writing the first chapter, and it's pretty awesome. I feel like I have done a ton of authors notes, but I am very grateful for those who read them all.

If you are looking for something else to read, I have a few stories. My Horace Sumnusson story, Titanium, and I am currently writing both a Luke Skywalker and Fred Weasley one shots.
I also just published the first chapter of a Cassian Andor story because he's really hot and Rogue One had me sHoOk

I would also recommend that you go read some of fruitygalaxies stories because she wrights a whole bunch of short stories that are actually really good, she deserves some support :)

If you have any recommendations for stories, feel free to message me and I'll see what I can do! :)

Goodbye for now,


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