Chapter Twenty-three-- Final Goodbyes

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"Get away from my girl."


I was gently pushed out from between the two boys. Enoch latched onto Gerard's shoulders, who looked unfazed by the whole situation. "What do you think you're doing?" Enoch spat in his face, pushing him back a bit. I wonder why he's so salty towards him, it's not like he did anything wrong, other than the fact that he's creepy af.

I was unable to hear Gerard's reply however, because I was distracted by the fact that he called me his girl. But I was distracted even from that by blue figure of Victor coming out from behind the house. Tearing my focus away from the scuffle to him, I stood up and ran towards the glowing boy.

Victor opened his arms wide, and even though it felt like hugging air know hugged him anyway. I knew that the others could not see him, but I had the feeling that they knew what was happening.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him. He smiled softly. " To my own funeral, of course. I've been waiting for this for decades!" He exclaimed.

I giggled quietly, then looked back into his glowing eyes. "So you're leaving?" I knew that once peculiar bodies were buried, their souls became at rest and moved in to the afterlife. He nodded.

"I'm gonna miss you." My eyes were welling with tears; my guilt had never left my soul and was only getting worse, knowing that I could still have prevented all of this and my best friend would still be alive and he wouldn't have to leave. 

He smiled and brushed my emerald hair out of my face. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see each other again some day." At that moment I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Is that Victor?" The Scottish whispered in my ear. I nodded, my gaze still fixed on the poor unfortunate soul in front of me.

"You tell me if he treats you badly, he'll have to answer to me." Victor scolded playfully. I giggled, burying my head in Enoch's shoulder.

"C'mon babe, we don't have all night." I grabbed Victor's cold hand and walked arm in arm with my boys back to the burial site. Bronwyn was still leaning into Emma, her sobbing reduced to sniffling and a few small tears. Claire was whispering to Fiona, and Hugh helped Olive find flowers that had managed to avoid the bombs to lay on top of Victor's body.

When Victor caught sight of his sister's quivering body, the warmth in his eyes was joined by sympathy, and he untangled his ghostly arm from mine and walked over to her. He walked behind Emma and pressed a kiss to Bronwyn's temple.

At that moment her tears ceased and she looked up. It was if she had sensed a presence, her brother's soul come to say his final goodbyes. Her eyes made their way to me. My slumping figure was leaning into Enoch's body as I focused on the figure in front of her, then made eye contact.

I think she could tell that it was in fact her brother, and she gave a small smile to the empty space in front of her. She couldn't see it, but Victor grinned back, then gave me a last glance.

He headed towards the bed in the hole, and, holding the single red rose picked by Olive, he laid down on the bed he had occupied for many decades in the upstairs bedroom. His soul took the shape of his body and he faded away, leaving only the cold corpse.

Millard picked up the shovel and spooned dirt into the hole. Enoch's grip on me tightened, we both knew that our old friend was gone. I silently stared at the body of the boy, slowly being covered by the dirt. He was at peace now, all we had to do was find ours.

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