Chapter Seven- Please Don't Leave Us

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Holy crap guys, thank you so much for 1.41k reads, y'all are amazing!! <3 10/18/16

So like I said in the last chapter, I want to know what you would like to see in this story, either just a small detail or an important event, so please comment what you think should be included, and if anything catches my eye or fits really well with what I've already planned, I'll put it in the story and give you a shout out!

Thank you guys for reading!

"Hey Jacob, can I talk to you?" I walked over to him right after he finished dinner. I didn't eat, as I wasn't hungry. Enoch was kind of mad about that, but I really didn't care. I was more worried about saving our skins than eating.

"Yea, what's up?" He was standing by the door, his hand on the handle. I immediately grabbed his hand, pushing it away from the door. He looked at me confused. "You can't leave." I stated, and that just confused him more.

"What the heck, Aspen!" He said as he tried to reach the door again, but I smacked his hand away. "Did you not hear what I just said? I said you can't leave, Jacob."

"Listen, I need to get home, I'm sure whatever's keeping me from leaving isn't that important. " He said, pushing me out of the way. I landed on the ground, but I scrambled up and ran out the door after him. "Aspen, wait!" I could hear Enoch yelling behind me. I didn't slow down though, I needed to stop Jacob from leaving the loop.

I followed Jacob through the bog, but he got stuck in some mud. This gave me time to catch up to him, and by the time he reached the cave, I tackled him to the ground.

"Good Lord, Aspen! What's your problem?" He yelled. "I just want to go home, what's the problem in that?"

I frowned. "I told you that you would have to choose between here and the modern world. It's time to make that choice. You either stay here with us, or leave and never come back. I had so many visions on the near future, and it's all based on this decision. If you leave and come back, we'll be caught and killed by the hollowgast. But it is your choice."

He stared at me, and I sighed. "From the words of Emma  and Horace, and Bronwyn and Claire, please don't leave us." I whispered. He shook his head.

"I can't just leave my family, you know that." He turned away from me, and walked into the shadows of the cave. He disappeared, going back to the modern world. I felt a hand on my back, and turned to see Enoch, out of breath.

I shook my head. "He's gone." Enoch looked a bit angry. "I swear, if he comes back, I'll make sure that he won't have arms, or legs, or a tongue for that matter." He turned me around and we started walking back to the house, both-- well, me at least-- not wanting to be the bringer of bad news.

Guys, I'm really tired so if this chapter seems rushed or anything, please tell me and ill try to fix it

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